
Monday 28 March 2011

Weekly Wrap Up

Duke Nukem Forever is delayed again!
            Wow is this game impossible to make our something?  It’s been twelve years for crying out loud I thought that with all the trailers and even some previews Gearbox finally had this thing under control.  I mean what on earth could have delayed it I mean hasn’t it already been delayed for every possible reason and then some.  Well I guess we’re all just going to have to wait another half month before we get our hands on what is sure to be a great game.  I mean the delay had to have been a result of all the love and care they have put into this game and I’m confident they just want to make sure that everything is perfect before they release it.
Nintendo’s 3DS was released in North America.
            Nintendo’s newest handheld is here.  As I stated in my article about the 3DS’ launch lineup I’m not excited about this, I’m not getting a 3DS and at the moment I don’t see a single good reason for anyone to get it.  I admit that there will be good reasons in the future once Nintendo gets its act together and releases one of its AAA titles.  In my opinion if you liked the DS and you really want the 3DS you should wait for some more games which will probably be a couple of months.

Crysis 2 came out.
            Crysis 2 the sequel to the game everyone wanted to try but very few could thanks to its incredible graphics is now available on the Xbox 360 and PS3 as well as the PC.  I never played the original Crysis but I’m considering giving this one a try.  However I’ll probably wait for it to go down in price a bit because there are other games out right now that I’m more interested in.  That being said the game looks great if you’re a big FPS fan and you like the first Crysis you should probably check this one out.

Sucker Punch hit theaters.
            Zack Synder’s latest movie is a highly stylized adventure though an amazing and dark world that’s highly influenced by video games.  The movie looks incredible and is a really fun ride; I have a review posted if you want more info.  It’s something you should really go see in theatres because it is full of amazing visuals and big loud explosions. 

iPad 2 came out in Canada. 
            The iPad 2 is now in Canada which is a big deal for some people, just not for me.  I don’t get the appeal of the iPad, I have an original iPad and I almost never use it.  If I want to go online I have a computer and a laptop, if I want to check something quickly or play a game for a couple of minutes I always have my iPhone on me.  There just isn’t a real reason for it unless you don’t have a laptop or smartphone at which point you should get one of those.  Also if you already have an iPad the iPad 2 is a very small upgrade for all that money, maybe the iPad 3 will be worth it.  

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