
Monday 4 April 2011

Weekly Wrap Up

Batman reboot announced.
            Warner Bros. announced their plans to reboot the Batman franchise once again after the release of The Dark Knight Rises.  I love superheroes and Batman is one of my favourites but his movies usually aren’t very good.  Christopher Nolan has done such a fantastic job I don’t see how anyone can even hope to compete with what he has done.  I also don’t understand why there should be a reboot, I would like a superhero franchise to continue I was upset when I heard that Spider-Man was being rebooted and now it’s happening to Batman.  What is the point of introducing these worlds and getting the audience to care if you don’t keep going and introduce all of the characters, like if Batman restarts he will face the Joker and I get that the Joker is awesome but no one can touch Heath Ledger’s performance or Christian Bale’s as Batman for that matter.  Christopher Nolan should continue doing the Batman movies I mean anyone who does such a fantastic job has to love what he’s doing plus it wouldn’t confine him to just the one series he was able to do Inception between The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises so if he wants to do other projects in between he obviously can. 

Justice league movie announced.
            Warner Bros. also announced this week that they were planning a Justice League movie.  This raises a few questions. First of which is whether or not they will try to introduce all the members in their own movies prior to the Justice League one or if they will introduce people in the movie?  The second is which characters will make up the Justice League and who will portray them?  They have already done two Batman movies and are currently working on a third, the Superman movie is on its way, Green Lantern is almost out and the Flash is currently being worked.  However there are no plans for any other heroes to get big screen adaptations.  Also Wonder Woman has a new TV show coming out so will the TV show’s star Adrianne Palicki who I think is a talented actress reprise her role for the movie or will they hire someone else like how they didn’t hire Tom Welling from Smallville to be Superman.  Finally I want to know if Christian Bale will be Batman or if it will be the new actor from the planed reboot.  I really hope that they keep Bale and Palicki but you never know.

Video game death match on
   is my favourite gaming site (not counting this of course because quite frankly I think I’m a little biased) and they have brought back their Video Game Deathmatch.  This is the second one they have had; the first was to decide the fans choice for Game of the Year 2010.  This time the steaks are a little different because this time it’s for best franchise of all time.  Unfortunately is hasn’t been going the way I would hope because Final Fantasy and Halo were knocked out in the first round and it looks like Gears of War and Mario will be knocked out in round two.  Currently I’m routing for Mass Effect which seems safe until the semi-finals but after that I don’t know what will happen because Warcraft is a juggernaut and that is most likely who Mass Effect will face.  So you might want to check it out and try to help your favourite win.

Source Code was released
            This is a new movie starring Jake Gyllenhaal in which he must use a sort of VR machine in order to relive the last 8 minutes of a man’s life.  You might be wondering why he would do that well it’s because that man died on a train after a bomb went off and Jake Gyllenhaal must find out who planted the bomb in order to stop another terrorist attack.  This movie looks cool and from what I’ve heard it really draws you in and keeps you guessing as to who did it.  However I’ll probably just wait for it to come out on DVD.

Spider-Man: Edge of time announced.
            The teaser trailer for this game was just released and it looks really good it’s from the makers of Shattered Dimensions which gives me hope that we will have another good Spider-Man game.  This time you only play as two different Spider-Men rather than four which should allow for better storytelling and gameplay because they can focus on refining it rather than making different stories and gameplay types.  The two characters are Amazing Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2099 who must work together to keep the Amazing Spider-Man alive and change the future.  You can assist your ally in real time even though he is in another time period using a telepathic link and a picture and picture like view that shows what they are doing while you’re playing.  This allows you do destroy stuff in the past so that your partner in the future doesn’t have to deal with them. The game looks great and I can’t wait to see more!   

Gamers Heart Japan
            This is a wonderful tribute video from countless people in the game industry including designers and critics like Peter Molyneux, Tim Shaffer, Adam Sessler and many, many more.  It was made by Victor Lucas who we all know from EP and Reviews on the Run, he wanted to try and give back to Japan for everything they have done for gaming and help them through this tough time.  It is a really noble cause and I encourage you all to donate (I’ll put a link at the bottom of the paragraph).  The video is also really good and gives you a much greater sense of all that Japanese games have done for the industry especially sense a lot of people have started to ignore Japanese games and go with the more familiar American games.  They have raised over $12,000 already but Japan needs a lot more than that so please donate.

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