
Monday 2 May 2011

Weekly Wrap Up

Gears of War 3 beta now introducing the buddy system.
            Gears of War 3 has added an interesting new incentive to the beta.  Now if you meet certain requirements in the beta like play a certain amount of hours you earn an extra beta code that you can give to one of your friends so you can play together.  There are five challenges which mean up to five additional codes for you and your friends.  However this promotion will only last until Wednesday May 8 so if you want to find out what you need to do go to the following link.

PSN got hacked.
            As we all know by now the PlayStation Network got hacked.  They have announced that nearly 13,000 credit cards’ information has been compromised.  Luckily these accounts aren’t from America or Canada they’re all overseas accounts.  They have confirmed that it was the work of an individual rather than a group of hackers and they say that they are hoping to get their online service back up and running this week but they won’t restore it until they are sure it’s safe.  In order to know if it’s safe they have brought in a third-party team to check over their systems and make sure it’s working.  My question is, will this affect Sony’s sales and will the one month PSN+ they’re offering make up for it?   

Ubisoft going in films?
            Ubisoft has launched a film studio where they intend to make movie adaptations of their video game franchises.  This makes me wonder what games from Ubisoft do I want to see as movies.  I thought the Prince of Persia movie was ok but I’m not that excited for another one.  However Assassin’s Creed and Splinter Cell could make some cool films.  Assassin’s Creed has a deep story and could be really cool on the big screen however it would be tricky to pull off.  Splinter Cell could be very much like the Bourne series and seems like a reasonable movie and would be hard to screw up.

IGN has released a list of confirmed games for E3
            IGN has compiled a list of games that are confirmed for E3.  Some of the ones I’m most looking forward to are Spider-Man: Edge of Time because I love Spider-Man and this one looks really interesting.  Dead Island because zombies are awesome and Left for Dead 3 hasn’t been announced yet.  Mass Effect 3 because the first two are some of my favourite games of all time and I can’t wait to see how it all ends.  Rage because it seems like a very different FPS kind of like a realistic Borderlands that’s a little more story driven which seems cool.  Finally Gears of War 3 I’m currently playing the beta and can’t wait to get my hands on this epic conclusion to one of my favourite series of all time.  For the full list visit the following link.  Also Batman: AA isn’t on the list but I believe it will definitely be at E3.

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