
Monday 9 May 2011

Weekly Wrap Up

New Assassin’s Creed confirmed!
            That’s right everyone we’ve got another Assassin’s Creed game on our hands in the near future.  I have some mixed emotions regarding this announcement because while I love the Assassin’s Creed series I think it is a very unique experience and I don’t want it to be an annual one.  When you play the same series every year it loses some of what makes it special; the way it stands out and above other games in its genre is less noticeable if you’re always playing it rather than other games.  In fact one of my biggest issues with Brotherhood was that it felt too familiar despite how much they had changed.  The new game will have us playing as Ezio once again as well as Altair and of course Desmond.  Some of the new destinations that you will be visiting supposedly include Turkey and Constantinople which sounds interesting.  The game is slated for November which disappoints me and also leads me to believe that this will not be Assassin’s Creed 3 and that they are trying to drag out the story a little more.  I really want to see what happens next since they always end on a crazy cliff-hanger but I don’t just want another small piece I want it all I want to see how it all ends so while I’m looking forward to this game I would rather they take another year make it bigger and better and give us the stunning conclusion we have been waiting for since 2007.  

A new Burnout?
            Burnout: Crash isn’t officially announced yet but apparently it already has a rating from the ESRB.  The rating is E10+ and according to the ESRB’s description it’s a very different Burnout.  You will be driving your car at super high speeds into inter-sections trying to rack up as much points as possible but that’s about it.  There isn’t any racing and it is supposed to have a cartoony art style along with a top-down point of view.  This makes it sound like EA has a smaller kid version of Burnout in mind which makes me believe that it will either be on the DS, 3DS or XBLA/PSN.  This is rather disappointing because I really like the Burnout series, Burnout 3: Takedown is my favourite racing game of all time and I hope that they will start working on a proper Burnout game soon.      

Thor hammers into theaters.
            Marvel’s latest superhero movie hit theaters Friday and from the looks of it they have another hit on their hands.  Thor is a really cool superhero based on Norse mythology and I for one really want to see his big screen adaptation.  Marvel has had some blunders in the past even with their bigger franchises like the Fantastic Four movies.  However I believe that they know what they’re doing with Thor and they have the Avengers movie riding on it and Captain America so they won’t half ass it.  I’m still wondering whether it was a good move on Marvel’s part to put Thor out in May, X-Men: First Class in June and Captain America in July because it’s really close together.  Some people who don’t go to the movies all the time might just pick one superhero movie to see in theaters and since Green Lantern is in June as well it could be costing Marvel some money by putting them all together unless they just want to drive all attention away from Green Lantern so that DC doesn’t take a bigger step in on their superhero movie territory.  

Games are art who knew?
            The NEA which stands for the National Endowment for the Arts has adjusted its grant for Arts on Radio and Television to Arts in Media which includes video games.  It’s about time more people outside of the gaming industry take a serious look at video games other than Postal and see that they truly do count as art.  The NEA grants range from $10,000-$200,000 which should be enough to develop your new and unique idea for a video game.  Just make sure it’s good because this is the first time they are even offering to video games so if you want to win the big bucks you’ll have to really blow them away.  Here is the link if you would like to apply for some video game funding or television funding or radio funding because those are what the grant used to be for.

Mass Effect 3 has been delayed!
            No!!! Why Bioware why?  You said back in December at the VGAs that it would be released in Holiday 2011, why would you announce a date so early and not be able to make it?  Do you enjoy messing with us, your dedicated fans?  Is that what you guys like to do for fun?  Do you know what I like to do for fun?  I play Mass Effect!  Don’t dangle carrots it’s bad enough what you did with The Old Republic but now you’re doing it to Mass Effect!  That is too far Bioware, I want Mass Effect 3 and I want it in 2011 not 2012.  Stop working on Dragon Age or whatever is taking up all of your time and focus on your greatest franchise...I’m sorry everyone for getting angry but I love Mass Effect it’s one of the greatest gaming series of all time and Bioware is one of my favourite developers of all time.  I guess I’m just a little mad about the fact that every time a game I really want is about to come out it gets delayed.  Gears of War 3 was supposed to come out in the spring but not anymore.  Batman: Arkham Asylum in 2010, nope!  Duke Nukem Forever was supposed to come out in May after 12 years and it got delayed to June!  I just want a game to come out at the time it said it will, is that so hard I mean movies do it all the time.  Well at least they will have time to polish the game more like every developer says every time there is a delay.  How much polish does a game need?

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