
Tuesday 12 July 2011

Weekly Wrap Up

Sony Online Pass
            Sony has decided to issue an Online Pass with Resistance 3 much like the ones that EA has been using for over a year now.  What do these passes do?  Well in EA’s case if you buy one of their games from a retailer you get a code in the box that allows you to access their online services like multiplayer.  I believe that is complete BS and if I pay for a service like Xbox Live or PSN Plus I shouldn’t be prevented from using multiplayer just because I borrowed the game or bought it used.  Now Sony wants to make it so that if you buy Resistance and want to play online you can only do so if you are the original owner. I should point out that with EA if you bought the game used you can buy the pass online but Sony has not announced whether or not they will have that option available, I assume they will.  Either way I hate the idea of Sony saying that they have free online as a big selling point because it has been used that way but now you might ending up paying extra to access it and it is doubly annoying for anyone who has PSN Plus and actually pays for online.  Sony also hasn’t mentioned if this will become a standard for all games on the console or just specific exclusives like Resistance.

Mass Effect Movie at Comic-con
            That’s right out of the many video games that have been in talks to become major motion pictures one of the most intriguing ideas and possibly most expensive seems to be on its way.  At Comic-Con the Mass Effect movie is supposed to be discussed during the Legendary Pictures presentation but don’t expect to see any sort of trailer because news of a cast most likely would have leaked by now if they were that far along.  Even though it will most likely still be in the early development stages it is a good sign that the movie is going to be made after all.

Marathon for iPad is out
            In last week’s Weekly Wrap Up I mentioned that Marathon was being developed for the iPad and while I thought it was still months away it turns out the developer Daniel Blezek has completed the project and released it.  So if you want to experience the game for the first time or just support this fan who put a lot of time and effort into something he loves, head to the app store on your iPad and download the game.   

Game Trailers presents Bioshock demo
            GTTV has the E3 2011 Bioshock Infinite demo in its entirety.  The demo was one of the most buzzed about things at this year’s E3 but was only shown behind closed doors.  Now thanks to Game Trailers we can all see what everyone was talking about.  The demo looks amazing and there seems to be a really interesting dynamic between the two main characters in terms of both story and gameplay.  Speaking of the gameplay, action seems to be improved as well as in greater abundance than in the first game.  I was already intrigued by what I had seen from E3 but this demo footage really adds a great deal to that mounting excitement.      

Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy
            This is the latest Final Fantasy in the works and like Dissida it is a departure from the norm into a new genre.  What genre?  Why a rhythm game of course, I mean which of us hasn’t imagined Cloud slashing along to the perfectly timed beat of “One Winged Angel”?  The game will be for the 3DS and apparently you will play through each of the main Final Fantasy games as levels with a party of four characters who won’t be level specific which is cool because there is supposed to be some sort of yet detailed levelling system so your party can improve as you go through each level.  I’m interested in learning more about this game but not really that interested in playing it.

The Secret World
            This is an MMO Action Game from Funcom the makers of Age of Conan and Anarchy Online.  The game is set in the modern day except there are monsters around but no one really notices, they stay hidden and kill without attracting attention.  You play as a member of one of three secret societies (Dragon, Iluminati and Templar) each of which is aware of the things that lurk in the darkness and must battle against those monsters in order to save mankind.  The game has an interesting difference from most MMOs in that you can’t level up and there are no classes.  The game plays like an action game, your character doesn’t get stronger he just learns new abilities.  So every character will be able to learn all the abilities and use all the weapons but you get to pick which ones you want to use and play however you want.  I’m not that interested in MMOs but this one seems like a cool idea that I would be looking forward to if it was single player.  The game is for the PC and Xbox 360, check out the trailer it’s crazy.

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