
Monday 28 November 2011

Weekly Wrap Up

EA screws its customers
            When Battlefield was on its way to our store shelves the PS3 version was set to come with a copy of Battlefield 1943 as a bonus.  The day of the release, after most of the people who had pre-ordered already picked up the game; EA announced that there were no copies of 1943 bundled with the game.  A class-action law suit was filed against EA for not delivering on what they had promised and their defence was that the PS3 would receive all downloadable add-ons a week in advance to make up for it.  However they had already made that deal with Sony and it has nothing to do with the blatant lies that they told consumers.  EA has now decided to start giving out codes so that Battlefield 3 owners can down load 1943 for free and finally get what they deserve.  The codes are already available in Europe (started on the 26th) but North American and Asian fans will have to wait until Dec 10th & 17th respectively.  I can’t believe that EA would do something like this; failing to get the copies of 1943 I could understand, not replacing the disk with a simple code I might come to terms with if they expressed remorse for their short coming, but this is just pathetic!  They don’t let people know until after they are already in the stores and announce it by replaying to one guy on Twitter.  These companies have no right to treat consumers in such a way.  How many times have we been screwed lately by incomplete games, too many bugs, online passes, DLC that should have been on the disk or was on the disk but had to be unlocked at a specific date or by paying for it?  These companies need to understand that we won’t take crap like this, why should we buy products from companies who don’t give a crap about their fans?  Why are we even fans?  I’m so tired of companies using the “it’s easier to seek forgiveness than ask permission” excuse for doing whatever they want and just expecting us to sit there and take it.  We are smart, passionate and vocal and we shouldn’t just let incidents like this go. 

PSV Memory Card Prices
            Prices for a ton of PlayStation Vita accessories have been released by GameStop.  The most important of which is the memory cards that you will need to purchase in order to save all of your games.  The 4GB memory card will cost $30, the 8GB will be $45, the 16GB will be $70 and the 32GB which is the largest size will set you back an additional $120 on top of the $250-300 you will be paying for the Vita itself, depending on whether or not you choose to get the 3G model.  For the full list of accessories click the link below.

EB Games is screwing its customers
            Apparently EB Games will no longer have the yellow stickers on games to signify that they are used copies.  It has also been reported that some stores have already stopped and are currently just using white stickers that either have “new” or “used” printed on them.  Wow this week is all about me ranting isn’t it?  As if it wasn’t bad enough that the store constantly screws up the prices of used games by making them more expensive they also give people who trade-in their games next to nothing and steal money from developers by selling used copies, which just leads to methods like online passes and slapped on multiplayer.  Now they want to mislead customers completely.  They even went as far as to request that all new copies be placed at the back of the pile so only the used are seen to make as much money as possible and so that people can’t see any price discrepancies.  This is seriously messed up and I didn’t call for a boycott of Battlefield 3 or of EA because I know that would be unreasonable (Battlefield has already sold like hot cakes and EA makes to many games) to expect but seriously do we need EB Games/GameStop?  I almost never go there anymore because Wal-Mart, Future Shop and Best-Buy always have better prices due to the surprising fact that they actually care.  They care because it makes them loads of money and they want that market, while EB Games doesn’t because they feel that everyone will trust them because they have “game” in their title.  The hell with them, if I want to play an opened or previously played game I’ll rent from now on or just upgrade to new and unopened from Wal-Mart for the same price or less.  To read more about this travesty go here.

Ghost Protocol skins in Gears 3 if you’re Insane
            Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol has partnered up with Microsoft to promote the movie through Gears 3.  If by December 25th you have completed Gears 3 on Insane (either single player or co-op) you will receive Mission Impossible weapon skins for the Lancer, Retro Lancer, Hammerburst, Gnasher and Sawed-off shotgun.  I was planning on going back through the game on Insane and it is nice that I now have a time frame to do it in.  Also Mission Impossible is partnering with everything amazing in order to get people interested in it and you know what?  It has definitely worked on me.  Gears skins aren’t going to make me see the movie (although it does keep the movie on my mind) but the fact that the movie will have the first six minutes of The Dark Knight Rises will put me in that seat on day one.  I should also point out that this is coming from someone who has never seen a single movie in this series in theatres before. 
Jak & Daxter HD trailer
            Two weeks ago I wrote about the announcement of the Jak and Daxter HD collection coming to the PS3.  Well now there is a trailer for the game as well as a time frame for its release.  The trailer is fine, nothing special, although I must admit I do love seeing the games again, and it will be coming out in February but like I said just a time frame, no specific date.  You can watch the trailer here by clicking the link below.

For all the latest updates on the blog be sure to follow me on Twitter @Aeonofdoom360  and be sure to let me know what you think in the comments section below, no sign up or registration needed. 

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