
Tuesday 6 December 2011

Weekly Wrap Up

Yakuza Dead Souls trailer
            For anyone unfamiliar with the Yakuza series it is a fairly serious crime brawler.  The latest instalment in the series places you in the middle of a zombie apocalypse.  It seems incredibly weird to make a full fledged addition to a game that totally screws with the universe.  I understand branching off with a silly expansion pack, but for the main story?  I mean how would you even continue the series after that?  I never played this series before and quite frankly trying to rip off Dead Rising doesn’t make me want to rush out and try it.

Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition Version 2012
            Because the title wasn’t long enough already Capcom has decided to increase it in what I can only believe is an attempt to make the game impossible to tweet without using an acronym.  The update is free and will slightly change each character on the roster so they can perform certain combos that wouldn’t work before.  It seems cool but the trailer is just showing what can be done that didn’t work before so unless you are a big fan it isn’t that interesting.  I’m curious to see if changing everyone’s combo ability upsets any hardcore players who had specific strategies for dealing with each character that may have to be reworked.

            This is a new XBLA game slated for next year.  It has a gorgeous (and bloody) art style that looks like a cell shaded game covered in very dark water colours.  It appears to be like a mini God of War since it is the story of a man whose family is killed be the Gods and so he proceeds to kill everything in an attempt to get revenge.  I do however hope that they try to tell a deeper story than God of War instead of just a bloodbath.  The site is linked below, check it out and watch the full trailer after reading this article.

The Last of Us
            This is a new exclusive game for PS3.  The game’s trailer seems to be exciting a lot of fans but it just looks like a poor man’s contagion from what I’ve seen.  It doesn’t show any gameplay or cutscenes so I’m not excited, but hey it is a new game which is always cool.  It also seems to tackle some meaningful and emotional content, which is rarely a bad thing.

The Old Republic Beta
            Star Wars: The Old Republic had a beta that ended last weekend.  I think the game looks great but I didn’t play the beta so I can’t comment on it.  I have heard some friends talk about it and apparently it comes closer to competing with WOW than most MMOs and the fact that it’s Star Wars is an added bonus.  So congrats to anyone who played the beta and be sure to let me know what you thought of it in the comments section below.

Holiday Gift Guides
            I’ve been doing guide to some TV box sets, movies and games that I think would make great gifts for the holidays.  There is one more for some of this year’s best games that I will post this week, in the meantime you can check the rest below.  Also I might make a separate page that links them if anyone wants it, so let me know either below or on Twitter.

For all the latest updates on the blog be sure to follow me on Twitter @Aeonofdoom360  and be sure to let me know what you think in the comments section below, no sign up or registration needed.  

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