
Friday 25 March 2011

3DS Launch Line-up

Here is a list of all of the games coming out for the 3DS in its initial launch window, which I assume to mean the first week or two out, because the 3DS is supposed to have at least 30 games out by E3 and some that aren’t on this list are coming out in April.  I also checked around and this list seems to be accurate.
First-party launch titles:
Pilotwings Resort
Steel Diver
Nintendogs + Cats
Third-Party Games:
Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition
The Sims 3
Madden NFL Football
Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 3D
Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars
Ridge Racer 3D
Super Monkey Ball 3D
Bust-A-Move Universe
Samurai Warriors: Chronicles
Asphalt 3D
Combat of Giants: Dinosaurs 3D
Rayman 3D
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Shadow Wars

            I wasn’t one of the people out there who was dying to get a 3DS ever since I first saw it because I didn’t care for the original DS.  I own a DS and thought it was a cool idea but it never grabbed me and made me fall in love with it like I did the GBC or GBA.  I thought that the 3DS was actually going to be good, but I wasn’t sure whether or not I would buy it. I was interested because of a large number of games from Nintendo like Star Fox 64 3D (really 64 3D come on Nintendo) and the 3D Mario game that Nintendo has wanted since the Virtual Boy made me very interested.  However Nintendo’s launch games are lame I mean a submarine game, a dog owner sim, and a flying game that isn’t Star Fox!  The third party games don’t interest me either, Street Fighter is cool but I have it on the 360 and using 3D cuts the frame rate in half and the angle that allows you to really see the 3D blocks some of your view of your opponent which makes it much harder to play.

            I don’t understand how Nintendo disappoints every time but still sells so well.  It really pisses me off that they are staying on top of the gaming industry over Microsoft and Sony just because they trick people who don’t know anything about video games, which is a much larger group than the ones that do know about them.  They slap on a gimmick like motion control or 3D without glasses and everyone lines up like sheep.  How is it that Nintendo is still around and Sega isn’t?

            I hope that they don’t drop the ball on the 3DS like they did the Gamecube, Wii and DS but I’m not confident enough in Nintendo to go out and spend $250 which is more expensive than certain versions of the Xbox 360 out of faith that they will make it worth my while.

I got the list of launch titles from:

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