
Thursday 24 March 2011


Hello and welcome to my very first blog!  I stared playing video games back when I was two and I’ve been in love with them ever since.  I also love movies and TV shows but I consider video games to be my real passion.  So I decided that I wanted to make a blog where I can share my knowledge and opinions with people like myself.  I say people like myself because I’m not rich, game companies don’t give me copies of the games it’s all out of my own pocket and I don’t even know if I’ll make anything more than pocket change off of this site. I’m just doing this because I’m a big fan who geeks out over this stuff and wants a venue for sharing my opinion without sparking insane arguments with people on fan sites. 

This site has a few different types of articles, the first of which is reviews which are my reviews of video games and movies.  My reviews will date back to 2010 but no further, I’m doing this because I figure games from more than a year ago aren’t really anyone’s concern but stuff from last year you might have missed or been waiting for them to go on sale or maybe you’re still wondering if you should get it.  Also it’s better if the game is still fresh in my mind, so that I don’t forget anything.  The second type will be my recommendations which will be of anything I feel you guys should check out from any year.  These won’t be as long as my reviews and won’t have a score.  My recommendations will be for stuff like season box sets of TV shows to iPhone games, to comics.  It’s mostly for stuff I like but don’t get lots of.  I only have a few iPhone games but lots of console games so I’ll review console games and recommend iPhone games.  The reason why they won’t have scores is let’s say I give a score to an iPhone game and say that it is a 4/5 but I give for example Heavy Rain a 4/5 it’s not really the same is it.  The third type is for articles about stuff happening in the world of games, movies and other cool stuff.  I’ll either post an article about a new announcement or my personal opinion on stuff happing in the industry.  Also I will do a weekly rap up highlighting everything that happen that week, just in case you missed something.   I will also have polls that will change weekly which you guys and use to tell me how you feel on certain topics.

So that is essentially what my site is I hope you all like it, find my stuff helpful and come back soon.  Also feel free to comment on anything you think might help the site.  Thanks!  

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