
Monday 8 August 2011

Weekly Wrap Up

Sucker Punch purchased by Sony
            Sucker Punch is the company that made PlayStation franchises like Sly Cooper and Infamous and now Sony has decided to purchase them so that they will continue to make exclusives for their system.  It doesn’t really seem necessary since they already act like a first-party developer but I suppose Sony is a little concerned about the possibility of Sucker Punch going multiplatform like Insomniac is currently doing with Overstrike.  Naughty Dog, Insomniac and Sucker Punch always seemed like PlayStations main go-to developers so I see the need for concern if Sucker Punch was intending to go multiplatform.  But if they were going to do that it would make since to have a new IP but I haven’t heard anything about a new series from the company.  

The Gears of War
            Ice-T’s band Body Count has made a new song specifically for Gears 3 and it is entitled “The Gears of War”.   It even has a music video which is essentially the new Horde 2.0 trailer.  The song is decent, kind of funny actually how it’s pretty much a guy singing about big guns that he kills things with like the fact that he is a “Hammerburst pro” and such.  The video is pretty interesting however since it shows off a lot of the cool features that have been added to Horde mode like laser fences and turrets which you can purchase with the points you get from your kills in order to help fortify your defences.  Also they showed some boss battles against the Berserker and the Brumack the latter of which I am so looking forward to since you only get to fight a Brumack on foot in the first Gears of War on the PC which I never played.  Lastly they showed off a new map that looked really bright, colourful, and clean which is weird in a Gears game.  I wonder if it comes from the single player or is just some random place they made.

Vita delayed until 2012
            Sony’s PSV or PlayStation Vita if you prefer was originally intended to come out this holiday season but has been pushed back to early next year which could cost Sony a lot of sales.  Although it could work in their favour, if this buys them enough time to build a strong launch line-up to get people excited about and comes out when there are fewer games since the holidays are always packed they could grab a lot of people’s attention.

Rage Uprising Trailer
            Rage the latest game from ID Software has a new trailer and it really helps give you the feeling that there will be a big overarching story throughout the game to keep you focused and give you the narrative push that is lacking in some open-world games.  Take Borderlands for instance since whenever I see this game I think of it as a realistic looking version of it do to the similarities in setting, gameplay and even some enemy types.  Borderlands was lacking any since of urgency to keep me focused or even care about what I was trying to accomplish, it was just mindless fun running around shooting and levelling up.  I like that the Rage trailer focused on the story, about what you mean to the world as a sort of hero that can stand up to The Authority and save people which has renewed much of my excitement for this game that I had back when I first saw it at E3 2010.  

Bungie Documentary and new game hints

            Bungie has posted a video on their site that is sort of a documentary chronicling their history as a company, manly as the makers of Halo in order to celebrate their 20th anniversary.  The video is about 55 minutes long and at about six and a half minutes in they have finished with all of their old games and start to focus on Halo.  Which I loved because the Halo games are the only games from Bungie that I’ve played and to be honest it is the entire reason everyone knows who they are, but the video is also about the community that has been built around Halo so they take their time to show footage from the launches, fans of the games and even a little bit about RED vs. Blue.  It is a really interesting video because you get to see how much they are care about their work and how hard it can be to produce games, especially of such high quality.  The video doesn’t end on Halo however instead it ends on their new game which has now been codenamed Tiger.  There is a symbol or logo for the game which is shown below and some footage of Windmills spinning on a snowy range with mountains behind them.  One of the designers on the project said “see you star side” and the final message was Per Audacia Ad Astra which apparently means something like “through boldness to the stars” which leads me to believe that Tiger is based in space with the story having a lot to do with space exploration which might be how you get to all the different areas like in the upcoming game The Old Republic.  Personally I’m much more excited for Tiger than TOR and I can’t wait to hear more.

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