DLC for two great games
This week saw the release of two add-ons to some rather popular titles. Batman: Arkham City received the addition of Nightwing and Gears of War 3 got the Horde Command Pack. The Nightwing pack will allow you to use Nightwing in any of Batman’s Riddler Challenges as well as two new ones that take place in Wayne Manor. The add-on will set you back about $7 US and if you love the challenge maps you should probably get it. The Horde Command Pack will include new levels for Horde and Beast mode as well as new characters, new skins and new upgrades for your Horde fortifications. The pack will set you pack $10 and if you can’t get enough of Horde and/or Beast mode this should be just what you are looking for.
Rainbow 6 Patriots
That is right Ubisoft is bringing back the Rainbow 6 series and in a way that has me very interested. It has been three years since the last Rainbow 6 game (Rainbow 6 Vegas 2) and it will be another two years until this new one titled “Patriots” is released. Now I never really got in to the Rainbow 6 games to be honest with you. I played a good chunk of Black Arrow, which I thought was good and a little bit of co-op from Vegas that I never got into, but overall never became a fan. That may in fact change if Ubisoft can deliver on what there trailer is promising. It is a very different type of trailer then I am used to seeing, it is a cinematic trailer designed to show what the gameplay will hopefully be like. So basically it is a trailer of what they eventually want to be a gameplay trailer. It incorporates quick time events in a similar way to Heavy Rain and combines that with the traditional squad based shooter elements that the series has always had. It also seems to be putting a major emphasis on moral choices and getting you involved with the people you are trying to save. If they can bring this level of emotion and maintain it throughout the game, as well as give us some choices in how things play out, I think Patriots will be a terrifically different FPS and a much improved take on the modern combat genre. One interesting piece to know is the reason that this footage was released so early when they don’t have anything concrete, just ideas, to show is that they felt that someone was going to leak it. I hate it when people wreck a company’s hard work by leaking footage or info and I must congratulate Ubisoft for spotting the leak and handling it their way by being so forth coming with fans. P.S. I find it funny that the game’s concept or “target” footage includes a trophy pop up. I’m not saying that this isn’t target footage or that they are a lot farther in then they are letting on, I’m just saying that I find it funny that trophies and achievements are so integrated and important in the design process that they had to include that.
Heavy Rain Director’s Cut
Heavy Rain is having a special edition released on November 8th, which is tomorrow, also known as MW3 day or “the day class rooms were empty”. So not exactly the smartest time to have a game release, although they probably aren’t looking for huge day 1 sales since the game is already out and may just want to have the new edition out for the holidays. Maybe some parents buying their kids MW3 will see it and pick it up for Christmas (and regret that decision when they see the shower and sex scenes) since it is only $29.99. While I’m on the topic of releases tomorrow I want to point out another game, which is the MGS: Collection. I don’t see why they would release this game on the same day as what is sure to be the best selling game of the year unless they too just want to be out before the holiday shopping as well. Although this may not be a quick impulse buy since it is $49.99, which is actually more than any of the other HD collections. I mean these games are targeting different markets than MW3 but there is still a lot of cross over between them. Anyway I digress, the Director’s Cut will feature in addition to the full game: The Taxidermist DLC, the original soundtrack featuring 16 tracks, Move support, additional concept art and trailers, a series of “making of videos” and 3 dynamic themes. I know everyone is going to buy MW3 tomorrow but Heavy Rain is a great game and if you haven’t tried it yet I highly recommend picking up this new edition of the game.
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City trailer
A trailer for the single player in the upcoming Resident Evil game was unveiled and it looks really interesting. I find it a little weird how much the characters you will be playing as or along with seem to enjoy their job since their employers just made a huge mistake and now thousands are dying, but the trailer is cool none the less. The gameplay has been changed from previous instalments and is now even more action oriented than before, allowing for movement while shooting and an enhanced cover system. Personally I loved the way RE4 & 5 played and I worry that a lot of the tension will be removed now that you are a well equipped mercenary clearing out tonnes of zombies, I mean you won’t have to worry about ammo or anything like that. The multiplayer which wasn’t shown in the trailer but was shown back a E3 looks really interesting, so despite the changes I am still really looking forward to this game. However I really hope I have a choice about fighting Leon and Claire because I really don’t want to kill them.
Uncharted 3 release
This past week we finally saw the release of the heavily anticipated Uncharted 3, which was significant for more than one reason. The game as I said was highly anticipated due to the huge critical success that Uncharted 2 garnered but it was also controversial due to certain reviewers not being as blown away with the latest instalment as there were by Uncharted 2. The game divided a lot of fans, some of who supported the decision by reviewers to give an honest opinion even if it would be unpopular and others who went into frenzy and totally overreacted just because someone didn’t like the game that they liked. I even wrote a rather long article about the situation and how I feel about reviews, reviewers and gamers who read those reviews by those reviewers. If you would like to read about that you can go to it hear.
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