NCIS the video game
That’s right NCIS is getting a video game. It will come out on October 28 on the Wii, 360, PS3 & PC and looks like it belongs on the PS2. The game will without a doubt be absolute crap so if you buy it you didn’t deserve that money to begin with. I like NCIS but come on this is just stupid, if you want to feel like a detective go buy L.A. Noire because it’s fantastic.
Marvel still looking for Avengers Devs
The Avengers is one of the biggest movies of next year and is an obvious candidate for a video game adaptation. So Marvel to no one’s surprise is hoping to release an Avengers game next year along side it but what might surprise you is that they still don’t have a developer to make it. This causes me to wonder if they should make it at all because making a game in less than a year is pretty challenging. I think if they go through with it they should definitely wait until after the movie comes out and maybe release the game around the time of the DVD because let’s face it, most movies turned games aren’t as well designed as they should be and in many cases feel rushed. Plus they have to get Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Hawkeye and Hulk at the least to be playable characters that all control very differently and have enemies to complement each of their unique skills and abilities. It’s hard enough to nail down one superhero but five would be a huge task. With less than a year before The Avengers hits theatres I don’t see Marvel finding a studio capable of delivering a quality or even decent experience even by movie based game standards.
Diablo 3 officially delayed
I think deep down we all knew it wasn’t going to come out this year but alas it still stings to find out that Blizzard’s long awaited RPG will not be released until “early” 2012. Blizzard had been dancing around this delay for a while by not giving a release date despite showing off gameplay footage for a couple of months now. Blizzard has however started the beta for Diablo 3 which is good because it means that people outside of Blizzard are playing the game and seeing that it is all running smoothly. I am not in the beta unfortunately so I can’t tell you firsthand how much needs to be improved or not but I do believe that we will all be playing this game somewhere around March. I just don’t know if they intend to come out a month before Mass Effect 3 or a week, because I do know that they definitely want to steal some of EA’s thunder by getting people distracted by Diablo.
The Old Republic release date announced
Specking of release dates The Old Republic finally has one, December 20 in North America and December 22 in Europe. This announcement was made about a day after Diablo 3 was delayed which allowed EA to breathe easy and release their big PC only RPG without fear of being undermined by Activison. While it is disappointing that only one of these games will come out this year, for a while people were figuring that both would be pushed to next year, so this is good news. Like I’ve written before I don’t play MMOs but I have to say that this seems like one of the most interesting ones ever since it has a full story driven campaign that you can play through with friends or alone. So if you don’t like going into a party you can pretend you’re playing KOTOR 3, just paying monthly to do so.
Another Arkham City trailer
The game that never runs out of awesome has yet another great trailer to show off and quite frankly I think it is my hands down favourite one to date. While most of the game’s trailers have been reveals for new characters like Catwoman, The Penguin/Solomon Grundy, Mr. Freeze and The Riddler, this one features a character we all knew was going to be in it. This trailer features the game’s main villain in all his insane glory; The Joker. That’s right The Joker is back and has something big planned for Arkham City in this latest trailer. If you want to see it for yourself just follow the link below.
Crysis arrives next week
The 2007 PC only graphical power house is coming to the Xbox 360 and PS3 on October 4. The game will be available for $20 through XBLA and PSN, so for those of you like me who couldn’t run it on your PC and always wanted to try the game your chance is almost here.
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