
Saturday 30 July 2011

Review: Bones Season 1

              Bones is a procedural crime drama that is loosely based on the life of Kathy Reichs.  It is about a woman named Temperance Brennan who is a forensic anthropologist and crime novelist who works at the Jeffersonian Institute identifying human remains and is requested to work with the FBI and help aid in their investigations.  She works with an agent named Seeley Booth.  When Booth finds the remains of a possible murder victim he calls up Dr. Brennan who he refers to as “Bones” and it becomes her job to study the remains, discern cause of death and help Booth find the killer.  The process in which they gather evidence will be familiar to any who has watched crime dramas before; they get the call to go to a crime scene where Dr. Brennan collects evidence then takes it back to the lab, analyses it and discovers clues which Booth uses along with his years of experience to conduct his investigation and find the murderer.  Luckily there is much more to the show than that basic outline.  For instance most of the characters in the show work at the Jeffersonian as scientists and sometimes the lack of social skills exhibited by Bones and her colleges lead to interesting quarrels with Booth and this sort of clash between two very different types of people one social and the other intellectual is very entertaining to watch.
One of the things that set this show apart from others in the genre is that rather than drawing viewers in by trying to make evidence collecting seem cool with all kinds of flashy camera angles quickly spinning around the room it focuses on the characters.  That way you actually care about and connect with all of the people on the show which gets you invested in it and keeps you coming back for more.  Each character is interesting and entertaining to watch in their own unique way, not just the main character like we see in most cop shows.  Another good thing is that in order to contrast the dark and depressing things they investigate on the show there is a lot of humour in place but unlike others that put one line zingers in now and again that just feel weird the jokes here are well timed (not at crime scenes) and genuinely funny.  Now this isn’t to say that they don’t take their work seriously because all of the characters do, especially Dr. Brennan and agent Booth who sometimes get very emotionally involved in the cases they are trying to solve.  The passion that Bones and Booth bring to the investigation brings a great deal of life and importance to the show.

            The acting in the show is great, like I wrote above each character is interesting and much of that comes the performances given by each cast member.  The best performance is given by Emily Deschanel who plays Bones and gives a complex and compelling performance.  She does a great job portraying all of the emotions that Dr. Brennan goes through when dealing with dead bodies and the families that miss them.  It is a hard performance because of the fact that Dr. Brennan is a very strong female character who is very rational but at times becomes overwhelmed by her work, the things she has to face when solving a case occasionally leads to some very vulnerable scenes.  Despite the challenge of conveying such different emotional ranges Emily Deschanel does a great job.  David Boreanaz, who some of you might recognize from his role in Angel and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, plays Seeley Booth and while most of the time his character is very laid back and cool just like with Dr. Brennan there is a lot of emotional depth to him.  He also does a great job, so much so that he has made Booth my favourite character on the show despite the fact that Dr. Brennan is the central character.  Michaela Conlin, T. J. Thyne and Eric Millegan play colleagues of Dr. Brennan along with Jonathan Adams who plays their boss. All of them give solid performances in their supporting roles and while all are interesting characters especially Angela played by Conlin and Hodgins played by Thyne, not much time is spent on them since the show focuses on Bones and Booth.    

In this season we are introduced to all of the characters and start to find out more about them and why they do what they do.  For instance we learn that the reason Dr. Brennan works so hard to identify dead bodies is that she feels that when someone is killed and dumped in a ditch they are taken not only from this world but from their families who are still alive and deserve closure.  Something that she was never given after both of her parents disappeared when she was fifteen.

            The first season of Bones is very entertaining and a promising indicator of where the show is going.  With a great cast solid writing and compelling characters Bones is easily one of the best crime dramas on TV and believe me, I would know because I have definitely seen my fare share of them.

Score: 3/5
                                                                                                                         For all the latest updates on the blog be sure to follow me on Twitter  @Aeonofdoom360

Monday 25 July 2011

Weekly Wrap Up

            So last week was the biggest convention in nerd/geek culture and a ton of cool stuff was shown off.  I heard about a lot of different things but not in any great detail so I won’t have multiple articles about the con like I did with E3.  Instead I will just mention some of the things that stood out to me below.   

DCUO Fight for the Light
            DC Universe Online is an MMO that I have been meaning to try out for some time now, I’m not an MMO player but this one plays more like an action game which is more my style.  Anyway the game has unveiled its first expansion pack in which you join either join the Green Lantern Corps or the Sinestro Corps depending on which side you’re on.  You will battle more powerful enemies worthy of your new powers and have the ability to create up to 20 different constructs with your ring.  I don’t know if each side gets 20 or if the combined total of unique constructs is 20 but either way it’s pretty cool.

Arkham City trailer
The latest trailer for the highly anticipated Batman: Arkham City has been released and features the Penguin and a new villain.  The trailer is pretty awesome and with all the villains in the game and the emphasis on making them all fit into the story naturally and maintaining their distinct personalities, I expect this game to surpass its predecessor and be one of the year’s best games.

Ghost Rider 2
            There had been talks about this movie for awhile and unfortunately it is actually on its way to theatres.  The first Ghost Rider was an awful movie and I can’t believe they are making a sequel.  I think that Nicholas Cage who will reprise his role as Johnny Blaze/Ghost Rider is a great actor but can’t pick a good script to save his life.  I understand that he will do any role for money now but how could no one on that crew realize that this is just a terrible idea that will not be successful in terms of sales or as a movie and put a stop to this project.   

Assassin’s Creed Embers
            This is not the next Assassin’s Creed game that will be releasing in 2012.  It is an animated movie based around Ezio as an old man with a family.  I think it is a better fit for most games to make a mini animated film than a full length movie but I find it weird that it is entirely focused on Ezio.  I would prefer a collection of short films like in Halo: Legends so we could further explore Altair, Desmond and Abstergo which are all interesting worth exploring.  Since they have already dedicated three games to Ezio the final of which is supposed to conclude his story I don’t see why he needs a movie as well.  It will be released on November 15 alongside Assassin’s Creed Revelations and I believe that if you order specific editions of the game you will receive the movie as a bonus.

The Amazing Spider-Man
            A trailer for the Spider-Man reboot was released at Comic-Con and all I really took away from the video was that it reminded me of Mirror’s Edge with the fast first-person running and jumping at the end.  I understand that it is just for the reveal and won’t be like that for the rest of the film but I found it funny and unnecessary, I mean the fact that he is dressed as Spider-Man isn’t a big surprise.  However I’m still interested in this movie as I’m sure many of you are because it’s Spider-Man.  The trailer didn’t spend time on the Lizard other than a quick shot of him prior to the mutation which is kind of disappointing because I’m interested in how he will look.

Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom
            This game was just announced and since the add-ons to SF4 have gone so well Capcom has decided to do the same with MVC.  I like that they are releasing the game for less than standard retail ($39.99 US) but I don’t like the fact that Capcom is just re-releasing the same game over and over again with re-balanced fighters and additional characters.  Why don’t they just take the time to make the characters work right the first time and then release character packs for a few bucks, why should people buy the game again because the company didn’t put out the “definitive” version of their own game.  The game will have changes to the existing characters move sets, damage and health along with 12 new characters and 8 new maps.  

Mass Effect Movie
            As I mentioned two weeks ago in a previous Weekly Wrap Up there is a Mass Effect movie in the works and at Comic-Con it was discussed during the Legendary Pictures panel, but there weren’t any details given about cast or story.  The impression I got was that they are hard at work on the adaptation and are currently trying to find the best way to show off the universe they have created and are also still working on the script.  I am lead to believe this because they mentioned the strength of their universe and the fact that the characters will drive the story much like in the games but didn’t mention any characters specifically or when it will take place.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution Trailer
            Deus Ex has released another amazing video, this one is live action and does an incredible job of setting the background for the world in which the game will take place.  This is definitely the game’s best trailer so far and looks like a movie that I would definitely go see.  It’s setup like a documentary about the augmentations that have been introduced in the society and is quite emotional.  You all should definitely check it out in the link below.

For all the latest updates on the blog be sure to follow me on Twitter @Aeonofdoom360 

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