
Monday, 27 February 2012

Weekly Wrap Up: Feb. 27

With Kinect you are the dragon
            The creator of Panzer Dragoon, Yukio Futatsuki, had announced a new project codenamed Project Draco a while back.  Its real name has now been revealed to be Crimson Dragon, which will be a Kinect based XBLA game.  The game will play like an on-rail shooter where players can lock-on and fire homing attacks with their right hand, fire quick bursts with their left and use both hands together to unleash a special finisher that can be built up and wipes out everything on screen.   It will feature 6 dragon types and over 100 skills to learn.  It will also support three player co-op over Xbox Live.

Pokémon Black & White 2
            We all know Pokémon and how their release schedule is set up by now.  They release two versions of the same game, then a third version with some improvements that probably could have been implemented the first time if they had focused on one game instead of two and expect the fans to buy it.  This is inevitably followed by another two games from the next “generation” which has a bunch of new Pokémon.  Not anymore!  Now instead of what fans were expecting to be called Pokémon: Grey they will be receiving two new games from the same generation titled Black 2 & White 2.  Oh my goodness I can’t believe they are so freaking lazy that they aren’t even going to skip to the next generation with new Pokémon or bring the series to the 3DS, but instead just try to milk even more money than the obscene amount they were already getting.  I kind of understand fans buying two versions, the original from that generation and the enhanced, but I honestly want to know if there is anyone who buys all three and now intends to buy all four because if there is that person needs to be introduced to other games immediately.

Time to head back to school
            To change things up a bit from the usual stuff I write about here NBC’s Community will be returning on March 15.  This is a really funny comedy that is in need of some viewership so be sure to tune in to its premiere so that one of the most original and well written shows on TV right now doesn’t get taken off the air before its time.

Reign of Thunder
            The makers of the once flagship game for the original Xbox Live, MechAssult, have announced that they have a brand new mech game coming soon.  It is called Reign of Thunder and will be a free-to-play 3rd person mech game (unlike Hawken, which will be First Person).  The game will support up to 16 players and is already designed to work with a 360 controller, which offers some hope for this game to eventually come to Xbox Live since they are currently keeping their options open for other platforms in the future.  For now all the mech goodness seems to be headed to the PC with the exception of Steel Battalion: Heavy Armour, which I haven’t heard about for awhile.

Borderlands trailer and release date
            The trailer is pretty interesting since it really captures what Borderlands truly is.  Let me explain, you see as the trailer starts off it is nothing but crazy action, tonnes of weapons, new skills and being wacky, mindless fun.  Then after about half way the music fades and it gets serious to set up the story then a Claptrap shows up and starts dancing to illustrate that the story is totally not significant, it just has to be there.  This actually kind of bugs me because while I like that they are staying true to the fact that the game is about running around shooting things with friends, when playing through the first game I wished that it had put in a better story.  Now that they don’t seem to be doing that with the sequel I personally don’t really see why I would need to hop back into that world just to shoot some more bandits and level grind.  I love that the game is a FPS/RPG hybrid but I wish there was something interesting aside from that to pull me in.

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Batman: Arkham Knight Critique - Joker Story

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