
Monday 6 June 2011

Weekly Wrap Up

E3 started today !
            Since this past week was the build up to the biggest gaming event of the year there was a ridiculous amount of content released by publishers that want to get a jump start before the tidal wave of content that is coming our way.  This means that with so many articles I won’t be able to discuss them all in great detail and a lot are pretty vague but hey that's what happens when you have a lot of stuff but not a lot of details.  Also I want to take this chance to say that I am pumped for E3 and I saw a lot of amazing footage but with so many announcements, demos and trailers to see I won’t be able to post anything till it is all said and done.  However once it is all over and I have organized everything I will release an article breaking down each of the press conferences from Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo as well as what was shown on the floor for each console and tell you who had the better showing.  I will also have an article about the games that I am most looking forward that were shown or mentioned at E3 2011.  So while I know a lot of content is out there and I will be a couple of days behind I ask you to stay with me because it is a lot for one guy to handle.  

New Castlevania Lord of Shadow DLC coming soon
            Konami wasn’t specific or even vague really about a date or what the DLC will be about but they did state that there is new content on its way for the game.  I only played the demo so this news isn’t a big deal for me but the game was pretty fun and from the trailers seemed like it had a lot to offer, so it’s not that I have anything against it I just don’t own it.

Hideo Kojima fans it is your lucky day
            Well not really, I suppose your real lucky day would be when all the amazing stuff he announced comes out but hey close enough right?  A new trailer for MGS3 3D for the 3DS was shown off as well as the new feature that allows you to take a picture of something and graph that to Big Boss’s clothes as a new outfit or camouflage.  MGS HD Collection was announced featuring MGS2, MGS3 and MGS: Peace Walker which has revamped controls to work on consoles. That is right I said consoles because it is coming to the PS3 and Xbox 360.  Also since we are talking about HD collections there is another one for Zone of the Enders which will include both games and once again is for the PS3 and Xbox 360.  The new Fox engine is in development for what I assume is a new IP for Kojima Productions but they haven’t said what it will be just yet.  An interesting new thing from Kojima is Transfarring which is the name of the process he developed for transferring salved files from the PS3 to the PSP.  It will first be shown with Peace Walker when the HD Collection comes out.  It will allow you to take your saved game from the PS3 and put it on your PSP to continue playing on a bus or train or in a hotel room basically because you have no life.  The only disappointment was that MGS: Rising won’t be out until 2012.  Oh I almost forgot they teased a new Contra game too.

First trailer for Never Dead
            Ok this is a weird one in Never Dead you play an immortal that 500 years ago was a demon-hunter who battled the Devil.  In this fight the Devil killed your partner and cursed you by forcing you to live with that forever by making you immortal.  Now you are in a sort of modern time (there’s guns but the world is very different so it’s hard to tell if they are advanced or not) and you still kill demons.  The immortality is supposed to give you a unique experience but it comes off as very weird.  Your limbs get blown off and you can reattach them by rolling around or picking them up which is a strange site and you can’t die which makes be wonder about where the challenge is coming from because that encourages people to keep playing.  Also there is a scene in the trailer where he rips off his head and throws it but it cuts to something else before you can see what happens, which leaves me wondering what could that possibly accomplish that bullets can’t.  It’s not like in Stubbs the Zombie when you would do it and it would explode or infect people or something, I don’t know it just seems like a bizarre game.  See it yourself below.

Silent Hill galore
            Much like Metal Gear and Resident Evil, Silent Hill has a number of titles on the way to keep fans pleased.  Like everyone else they are releasing a collection, this one will include Silent Hills 2 & 3.  Next they have Silent Hill: Book of Memories which is in the works for the NGP, there is obviously no footage because Sony still needs to show off the device at E3 but we might see the game on the show floor.  Finally Silent Hill: Downpour which is the next true Silent Hill will be available on the Xbox 360 and PS3.  You play a convict who is released from prison and finds himself in a creepy town that seems pretty scary to me but there seems to be way too many crazy screaming ladies, they show up a lot in the trailer.

Sequel to Metro: 2033 called Last Light
            Metro: 2033 seemed to go by relatively unnoticed by a lot of people including me, I had heard of it but never played it or paid a whole lot of attention to it.  Anyways it is back with a sequel and while the trailer is a lot of artwork which leads me to believe that it is still a long time away from its release it does convey a very dark and depressing atmosphere that seems quite interesting.  Maybe I won’t pass this one by like I did the last.  The Trailers below but be warned there is a ton of crazy flashing pictures.

Call of Duty Elite
            No this is not another Call of Duty game it is a paid service that allows players to keep track and see a ridiculous amount of stats about how they and other play the game.  I am glad they are not making multiplayer a paid service because that would just piss me off but I don’t really see how many people are going to use this.  The people who are still devoted to Black Ops don’t strike me as the type that are willing to spend hours looking at gameplay stats from all types of players for every map to see what gun they are best with on what maps and what works for everyone else.  It seems like a lot of tedious work when you just want to have fun; people shouldn’t take this so seriously.  Pro athletes don’t study for games this much and that is how they make their living and entertain millions of fans.  I personally will not be getting COD: Elite for Black Ops or MW3.

New Deus Ex trailer looks sweet
            Deus Ex: Human Revolution has been kind of a mystery for me, I never played either of the first two but I heard they were great and the screenshots and trailers for the new game hadn’t grabbed me.  That all changed when I saw the new trailer which showed off some of the story which seems deep and interesting especially I now that I have seen more of the world the game takes place in which really seems fascinating plus the gameplay actually looks like a lot of fun which was my biggest question mark about the game.  So yeah I’m excited now to get my hands on Dues Ex and take part in the Human Revolution.

Duke Nukem First access demo is out
            For those of you who pre-ordered DNF or bought the Borderlands: GOTY Edition you can now access the demo.  I was totally excited for Duke Nukem Forever I was even going to get it first day although I hadn’t gotten around to pre-ordering, but I figured I could still pick it up on day one.  Then I played the demo and was so glad that I didn’t pre-order because that was a complete disappointment.  I had put off getting Bulletstorm because I didn’t want to over-the-top humorous shooter around the same time, so I figured I would go with the King right?  Wrong, when I was playing it all I could think was that Bulletstorm is probably way better, that and “THIS IS WHAT YOU DO WITH 12 YEARS”!  The game looks dated graphically speaking, the enemies aren’t very interesting the guns don’t give you the level of precision or reward that you experience when firing guns in Halo or Call of Duty or Gears of War and the game just wasn’t fun.  It does appear to have some good humour but it seems like Borderlands if you took out all of the fun gameplay and put in better jokes.  If you want a game from Gearbox get Borderlands because it is vastly superior.

Tomb Raider reboot
            A new Tomb Raider chronicling the origin of Lara Croft is on its way and it seems like a very different game.  You are just a young women, not a badass who can flip, shoot and kill with ease which I hope makes the gameplay unique and adds an emotional level to the story to help bring new people who aren’t familiar with Lara Croft into the fold.  Check out the trailer below.

Catwoman is playable in Batman: Arkham City
            That is right you’re not just the Dark Knight in this game and when they say you can play as Catwoman they mean in the campaign not just challenge modes like the Joker on the PS3 in the first game.  Personally I have mixed feelings about Catwoman being playable because she is cool and she might add a nice change to the gameplay but I was looking forward to her being in the game as a Villain to battle not a hero to play as.  Also the best part about superhero games is when they make you feel like you are that hero and having you switch during the game from Batman to Catwoman can break that immersion which is so important.  I trust that Rocksteady has made the right call and will show me that I have nothing to worry about when the game comes out on Oct 21, 2011.  The Catwoman trailer is below.

Prey 2 live action trailer
            A live action trailer was released for Prey 2 and it is ok but doesn’t really show much about what will be in the game.  I thought that the first Prey was good but I’m in no hurry to get the sequel.  Check out the trailer and post comment saying whether you want the game or not.

Batman: Arkham Knight Critique - Joker Story

The most compelling aspect of the story in “Batman: Arkham Knight” for me was Batman’s ongoing hallucinations of The Joker. I had heard...