Epic makes
some big announcements
Games’s Fortnite was absent from E3 but finally made its first appearance,
since its announcement at Spike’s VGAs
back in December, at Comic-Con. The game looks pretty interesting and there
seems to be a large degree of customization when creating your base to defend. However, the things that really stuck with me about
the game is that it will actually be the first game to run on Unreal Engine 4, Epic’s new engine for the next generation of consoles, (although
they definitely don’t seem to be pushing the engine, since it still looks
current gen) and that it will be exclusive to the PC. I’m both shocked and bummed
that the title will not be making its way to the 360 or PS3 because I am a
console gamer and a fan of Epic who
was really interested in this large departure from the tone of their Gears franchise. Luckily on the Gears front there is good news because we now have a release date
for the latest game in the series. Gears of War: Judgment, the prequel to
the Gears trilogy starring Baird, will be released on the Xbox 360 on March 19th 2013. Hopefully it remains in March unlike Gears 3 last year.
Bang! Bang!
Moon Studios the creators of Transformers:
War for Cybertron and the soon to be released follow up, Fall of Cybertron, have announced their
next game, which will be based on the popular Marvel character Deadpool. The trailer as well as the whole site is
great and delivers the crude and eccentric fun that people enjoyed in games
like Bulletstorm or Shadows of the Damned and that didn`t
work out so well in Duke Nukem Forever. I have confidence that High Moon will stay faithful to the character and world of Deadpool as they have done with Transformers, so fans shouldn’t worry. The game is slated for release next year.
ZombiU looks
Two new gameplay trailers were shown
off for the Wii U exclusive from Ubisoft, ZombiU. The Nursery one was actually quite scary and
really intense, but the Buckingham
one seemed fairly plain, but was still good.
I was already pretty interested in this game but these trailers have definitely
gotten me more excited about it. The
only issue I have with the game is that as off yet I do not see how the Gamepad allows you to do anything that
you could not do with a regular control or even how it makes those same things
better. I really wish this title was
coming to other consoles so I could play.
Play it
The trailer for the Halo 4 web-series Forward Unto Dawn was finally shown off. I can hardly believe the level of production
value that is on display in this miniseries, I mean the trailer looks like it is
for a feature film. The amount and
incredible quality of marketing that Microsoft
puts into the Halo games is really impressive. The first episode is on October 5th
and quite frankly I am more excited for it than I am the return of most shows I
watch, is that weird.
Jak & Cole
Two new characters have been added
to the rooster of PlayStation All-Stars
Battle Royale. Cole McGrath from inFamous 1&2
as well as the iconic duo of Jak & Daxter
from the Jak & Daxter series were
the latest to be announced. Even though
I like these characters I still cannot get excited about this game. To me the game just does not look as good as Smash Bros. and I already own three of
those plus the idea that I can only kill opponents with specials bugs me.
& Daxter: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I95qNBgyypo
Another game
adds characters
Gods Among Us is the latest game from NetherRealm
Studios, who brought us last year`s Mortal
Kombat, and they have also announced two new playable characters in their
fighting game. The new additions here
are Cyborg and Nightwing. The character
select screen still has 16 fighters blanked out, so expect more to be revealed
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