Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception (November 1, 2011, Beta June 28, 2011): The multiplayer beta will be two weeks long and the second week will be open to everyone. I don’t know how to get in the first week but I assume everyone with PlayStation Plus will get in. Starting in October once the beta is done Subways in the U.S. will be giving out codes that unlock complete access to the whole Uncharted 3 multiplayer experience.
PlayStation Vita: This is the successor to the PSP; it has a touch screen on the front and back, front and rear cameras, a microphone, six-axis motion sensors, built-in GPS, Wi-Fi and incredible graphics. Now how much does this all cost? $250 U.S. just like the 3DS unless you want the 3G version which is $300. Who is the provider for the 3G? When Sony said it would be the fastest provider of Wireless internet access; AT&T the crowd laughed out loud. Now in Canada we don’t have that problem because we will probably get to choice between Rogers, Bell, and maybe others. The system has some impressive hardware but I need to see more before I render my decision on it.
Cinema Now: This is a new feature coming to the PS3 which will allow you to watch TV and Movies. I don’t know why they need this since they already have Hulu Plus and Netflix, but hey I don’t really know anything about the service.
Resistance 3 (September 6, 2011): You will play as Joseph Capelli the guy who killed Nathan Hale the protagonist of the first and second game. You can buy the game separately or in a bundle with the Sharpshooter, PlayStation Eye and both types of Move controllers for $150.
PlayStation TV (Fall 2011): This is the newest type of TV from Sony and is designed for playing games in 3D. They want to get people into 3D so for $499 you can get the TV which is 24 inches, one pair of 3D glasses, an HDMI cable and Resistance 3. I’m not going to lie, I hate 3D, I think it is a waste of money that simply distracts from the game and hurts your eyes but if you are going to get a 3D TV this is a surprisingly good deal. Also the one thing that this TV has over all others is the fact that when you play split-screen it renders two images on top of each other and depending on which pair of glasses you are wearing you will see one of those two images. What that means is it doesn’t have split screen, you look through your glasses and see your screen your friend looks through theirs and sees their screen. Now while that is cool I don’t know if the images will be crystal clear because since both images are 3D there are actually 4 images which could cause some blurring and slow downs.
God of War PSP Collection (September, 2011): This is GOW: Chains of Olympus and Ghost of Sparta in HD and 3D for the PS3.
Little Big Planet 2 – Now with Move support
Sly Cooper Thieves in time (2012): This latest instalment in the franchise will be done by Sanzaru Games who made the Sly Cooper Collection instead of Sucker Punch who made the first 3 games.
Dust: 514 (Spring 2012): This is a FPS that will be out for both the PS3 and Vita and will somehow be combined with the PC MMORPG Eve: Online.
NBA 2K12 (October 12, 2011) – Offers Move support
SSX (January 2012) – Exclusive Level: Mount Fuji: The new SSX uses NASA satellites to develop mountain ranges from all around the world with spectacular levels of realism. There will also be three game modes including Race It, Trick It, and Survive It. The first to are rather obvious and the third is where you have to survive avalanches that will behave differently every time you play because they are all physics based not pre-scripted.
Need For Speed: The Run (November 15, 2011) – 7 additional super cars: In the latest NFS you will race from San Francisco – New York and for some reason are being hunted by the mob and the police. For the first time in a Need for Speed game you will be able to exit your vehicle. In the demo it happens at a specific point where you end up in an accident and must escape through a series of QTEs until you end up in another vehicle and continue your race. The weird thing was that the police helicopter was shooting at you in the middle of the street and blowing up other cars, which is really over the top and unrealistic for a NFS game.
Battlefield 3 (October 25, 2011) (Open beta in September) – Comes with Battlefield 1943: This as everyone knows is the series that looks to take down COD and while it might not sell as well it looks like it could be the better game. One of the ways they intend to compete with COD is through their new feature Battlelog, which keeps track of stats, allows for friend-lists and clans like COD: Elite except Battlelog is free. Take that Activision! Also they have added 2 player co-op missions outside of story mode much like Spec Ops.
PlayStation Suite: This is kind of like a PlayStation store used for mobile devices like the Vita and Android phones.
Ruin: This is a dungeon crawling Action RGP like Tourchlight for the Vita where you can attack other players’ lairs which get harder and harder the more they level up. Another interesting feature is that you can save your game to the Cloud and play it on your PS3.
Modnation Racers: This is an entirely new Modnation game for the Vita and will allow for easy track customization using the front and back touch screens. Plus you will have access to all user created PS3 maps.
Wipeout 2048
Little Big Planet: Touch
Ico & Shadow of the Colossus: The Collection (September 27, 2011)
Rachet & Clank: All 4 One (October 18, 2011)
Street Fighter x Tekken – Cole from Infamous will be a playable character
Journey (2011): This is the next PSN game from the makers of Flower and Flow. In it you are a person made out of cloth who wonders a desert trying to reach a mountain because it is the only thing in site. The game also has a unique co-op mode because you don’t choose who you play with. Someone on the same level as you will just be dropped into your world and without any sort of chat feature you will have to interact and journey together.
Bioshock Infinite (2012) – Offers Move control, comes with the first Bioshock: The game’s combat seems to be much faster and more intense than the first. Also the Skyline system allows players to travel freely with ease which not only seems really cool but also lets you choice how you want to approach missions. There is also a Bioshock game planned for the Vita.
Saints Row: The Third (November 15, 2011) – Exclusive game mode and content
Star Trek (2012) – Offers Move support, special Move controller that looks like a Phasers: Not much has been shown about this game other than it’s a third person shooter and that you can play as Kirk and Spock who will be modeled after the actors who portrayed them in the latest movie.
Medieval Moves: Deadmund’s Quest
Twisted Metal (October 4, 2011)
Starhawk (2012): This is from the studio that brought you Warhawk but unlike Warhawk this game has single player. While playing the game you can call in structures on the fly that deploy from space. For example if a swarm of enemies were coming towards me I could call in a base with a turret, it would drop down possibly crushing some of the enemies and then I would go inside get on the turret and mow them down which as you can imagine offers a lot of new strategy when playing and seems like a lot of fun.
Sound Shapes: This is a music based Platformer for the Vita.
Uncharted: Golden Abyss: This is the new Uncharted game for the Vita and takes place before the first Uncharted. The graphics for the game are amazing and it offers multiple ways to play. You can play with the analog sticks and buttons, play with the touch screen or a combination of the two since you don’t have to select different control settings for each.
Modern Warfare 3 (November 8, 2011): The game looks as action pack and intense as ever and the battle in New York seemed interesting since there is now people above, below and across from you. However I’m still not sure if the remains of Infinity Ward along with Raven Software and Sledgehammer Games can produce a game that is better than Modern Warfare 2 or Black Ops. Also I will not be paying for Elite because I still think it is unnecessary.
Tomb Raider: This is a reboot of the popular series and follows Lara Croft on her first ever adventure as a 21 year old lady not some badass battle hardened woman. The game is rated M because they wanted to show a dark and gritty world and it really shows. I’ve never been a fan of Tomb Raider but this game has really peaked my interest.
Tiger Woods 12
Madden 12 (August 30, 2011)
Fifa 12: Will have a new feature called Football Club which will feature constant challenges as well as carry over your file from all Fifa games whether they are on the 360, PS3, PC, iPad or even Facebook.
Sims 3 Pets
Family Game Night 4
Mass Effect 3: The game looks incredible and the trailer at EA’s Press Conference was amazing. It’s called “The Fall of Earth” and it’s linked below.
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Future Solider (March 2012): The game supports full 4 player co-op and looks like it might be the best in the series.
Dead Island (September 6, 2011): In Dead Island you have an entire island that you can explore freely. You also get to level up and each character has certain status and abilities to change up the pace of combat. Drop-in/drop-out co-op has been added so people can come onto your island and help you fight the zombie infestation as a team.
Prototype 2: Alex Mercer who you play as in the first game is now the villain of the story as you now play a man named James Heller who was infected by Mercer’s virus and has lost his wife and child and now seeks his revenge on Mercer for all that he has caused. The idea of hunting down and killing the protagonist of the first game is very interesting and I’m curious as to how fans of the first game will react to it.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (November 15, 2011): The combat has been improved so that it is faster and more dynamic than before. Now rather than selecting a few main skills at the beginning you can level up whatever you want and further each skill through a perk tree. There are over 150 dungeons to explore and all kinds of stunning dragons to fight.
The Darkness 2 (October 5, 2011)
Captain America: Super Solider (July 19, 2011)
Assassin’s Creed: Revelations (November 15, 2011): Like I mentioned in my E3: Microsoft article when discussing Halo 4 I wish that there would be a little bit larger of a break between games in the same series. While I am excited to see the conclusion of Ezio’s story I hope that when they finish up this series in number three they wait two years, give us enough time to miss it and go out with a bang. Also it had better be in Desmond’s time which means that this game has to set a huge stage for the final confrontation between the Assassins and the Templars. There are some new items like bombs and a hook-blade as well as some returning features like the ability to call upon other assassins and an improved multiplayer mode.
Dark Souls (October 4, 2011): This is the spiritual successor to Demon Souls a PS3 exclusive that became known for its high difficulty level and innovative multiplayer which is supposed to be improved in this new game that has no connection to Demon Souls in terms of story or world.
El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron (July 26, 2011): That is an amazing name; I mean it really rolls of the tongue. All kidding aside the game seems really interesting, each level is supposed to be almost completely different because they are created by the different angels you will be fighting. The demo is available now and according to one of the people who worked on the game easy mode is designed so that people who don’t play games can beat it and normal is Ninja Gaiden level difficult. That is the steepest curve I have ever heard of, why would they make the gap that large?
Jurassic Park: The Game
Rayman: Origins (December, 2011)
Ninja Gaiden 3 (Early 2012): The story in the latest game is supposed to be like a reboot the others won’t play into it and it will focus more on Ryu Hayabusa as a character. Also the game will not only have co-op it will have competitive multiplayer both of which I am really interested in seeing how they will be worked in.
Prey 2
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning (2012): This is a new game designed by Ken Rolston who made Morrowind and Oblivion, written by New York Times Best-Seller R.A. Salvatore and brought to life by the art of Todd Mcfarlane. It is an open world Action-RPG where your choices of how you play and level up are supposed to change the story and world you are in.
Overstrike: This is Insomniac’s long awaited cross-platform game and is about four elite agents from a government organization who battle armies and apparently robots. Not much else is known about the game but judging from the trailer below it looks like a lot of fun.
Batman: Arkham City (October 18, 2011): This is one of my most anticipated games of the year because Batman: AA was amazing and I am a huge fan of Batman. Combat is supposed to be improved so that you can battle up to 25 or 30 enemies at once and the main story is supposed to be around 25 hours with around 2.5 hours spent playing as Catwoman.
Call of Juarez: The Cartel (July 19, 2011)
WWE 12 (November 22, 2011)
Ace Combat: Assault Horizon (October 11, 2011)
Skull Girls (2011)
Zombie Apocalypse 2
Driver: San Francisco
Farcry 3 (2012)
Brothers in Arms: Furious 4: This appears to be an Inglorious Bastards esque take on the series all about over the top characters having a blast killing Nazis.
The Adventures of TinTin: The Game
Just Dance 3
Rocksmith (Fall 2011): This game is designed to teach you how to play guitar. I know you might be thinking that Rockband already does that but apparently Rockband just starts you off while this one will make you a real musician. You plug in your guitar with a special cable you have to buy and then you play the guitar while matching the buttons on the screen. It is also supposed to be good for young musicians who can’t afford an amp because they just plug their guitar into their PlayStation and it becomes the amp.
Darksiders 2
Metro: Last Light
Dead Rising 2: Off the Record
Rage (October 4, 2011): This is the latest game from ID software the guys behind Doom and Quake. The game kind of looks like a realistic version of Boarderlands. The game has an amazing level of detail in the graphics and the world that they created which has got me pretty interested, also there will be multiplayer that consists of 2 player co-op in the open world and versus mode which only has vehicle combat.
Silent Hill: Downpour (October 2011)
Street Fighter 3: Third Strike (August 31, 2011)
UFC: Personal Trainer
UFC: Undisputed 3 (January 2012)
Spider-Man: Edge of Time (Fall 2011): This is the next Spider-Man game from the makers of Shattered Dimensions. It is about Spider-Man 2099 trying to change time and prevent the original Spider-Man’s death. It is supposed to have the best story of any Spider-Man game and for the first time you can battle Anti-Venom. I love Spider-Man and while I don’t think it will be as good as Arkham City it still seems interesting.
Dragon’s Dogma (2012): The story of this game is that a dragon stole your heart literally by ripping it out of your chest. Oh and you have to get it back.
Lord of the Ring: War in the North (2011): The game takes place during the events of the 2nd and 3rd movies and you are headed north to fight a different war than the characters in the movies and books. The game is rated M which is unusual for a LOTR game and supports 3 player co-op.
X-Men: Destiny (September 2011): In this new X-Men game you will play as one of three young mutants who are just discovering their powers. The game has RPG elements so that you can level up your mutant’s abilities and while you can’t play as members of the X-Men you will meet them and do side quests and possibly main quest fighting alongside them.
Asura’s Wrath (2012):
Inversion (February 7, 2012): This is a 3rd person shooter where you use gravity manipulating weapons along with regular guns to defeat your opponents.
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marines (September 2011): This is a 3rd person shooter that doesn’t have a cover system like Transformers: WFC but also has full close quarter combat moves unlike other shooters where you just press bash or stab.
Hitman: Absolution
Aliens: Colonial Marines (2012)
Deus Ex: Human Revolution (August 23, 2011): This game is one that a month ago I hadn’t been paying much attention to but ever since the latest trailer showed off some of the story, gameplay and world I have been getting more and more exited for it. The game takes place 30 years before the first Deus Ex game which I’m happy with because it means while those who played the others will probably know what more about the story and what comes of certain characters, you don’t have to play the old ones in order to understand a prequel which means I can hop right in to this game. The game will also have all the standard RPG elements you would come to expect by now from upgradeable abilities and weapons to side quests.
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City (Winter 2011): I love RE4 & 5 so I was really excited for some more Resident Evil and while this game seems cool it isn’t what I had been expecting. The game plays like a typical 3rd person shooter which kills a lot of the tension that was built in the past with the slower moving gameplay that allowed for incredible precision so you could conserve ammo. The game takes place during RE2 & 3 and you now play as one of six playable characters that work for Umbrella allowing you to rewrite history by killing off characters like Leon S. Kennedy, the protagonist of RE4. The game has 4 player co-op as well as competitive multiplayer in which you will battle both players and CPU zombies. In the game you can become infected which can be used as strategy in multiplayer because once you are infected zombies don’t attack you because they think you are one of them and you are immune to everything except for headshots. Of course there is a down side, after you become infected you turn and once that happens the computer takes over for you and attacks anyone and everyone including your own team. So when your friend turns will you trust them to make it to the enemies in time and attack them or will you put a bullet in their head to keep yourself safe?
Final Fantasy XIII-2 (Early 2012)
Final Fantasy XIII-2 (Early 2012)