
Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Weekly Wrap Up: June 5 - Pre-E3 Edition

            I know that right now everyone is trying to recover from the massive bombardment of games shown off at the E3 press conferences and I won’t have anything on that posted until I can get through the literally dozens of hours of footage.  So for now I am posting about some of the big news revealed before E3 started.  Also some of this stuff has been touched on at E3 but I started it before that and this is a pre-E3 article so some details like on Gears of War: Judgment are absent.

Dawnguard trailer
            Last month I wrote about the upcoming down-loadable expansion to Skyrim called DawnguardBethesda has now released a trailer for Dawnguard and it is pretty awesome.  The story appears to revolve around a cult of Vampires that are trying to block out the sun and there is a legion of heroes called The Dawnguard who are trying to stop them.  One thing that really interests me about this expansion from the trailer is that it sounds like you will be able to pick which side we want to be on, meaning that it welcomes at least a second play through.  It will be released this summer for 1600MSP or $20US and will be exclusive to the 360 for its first 30 days.  Also if you have the 360 version you can sign-up now for a chance to get a hold of it early during its Beta and get the full version for free upon its release.

Gears of War: Judgment
            Earlier this week a teaser for the next issue of GameInformer revealed that a new Gears of War game was on its way.  The real cover has now been revealed as well as the game’s title, Gears of War: Judgment.  The game stars Baird and Cole and it will be developed by Bulletstorm creators People Can Fly.  I love that there is going to be more Gears and I’m interested in what the story will be since Baird and Cole are under arrest and the Locust are still around.  My best guess right now is that is takes place before Baird and Cole join up with Delta Squad.

Tomb Raider Crossroads
            A new trailer for the incredible looking Tomb Raider reboot has been released and if you are interested in the game and haven’t seen the Crossroads trailer yet DON’T.  The trailer is awesome but pretty takes you through all the important story events that turn Lara into the badass that she has always been throughout the franchise.  The whole time I was watching the trailer I was hoping it would end so that no more of the game’s story would be spoiled, but it just kept going and it was so good that I couldn’t stop watching.  Now I’m hoping to forget the awesome trailer so that the beginning isn’t ruined for me when the game comes out on March 5.

Injustice: Gods Among Us
            The first half of this trailer blew my mind with beloved DC superheroes like Batman, Wonder Woman and Superman brutally attacking supervillains, while the text talks about our heroes turning into our greatest enemies.  Then the second half shows that it is a fighting game…sigh.  The game is being developed by NetherRealm, the makers of last year’s Mortal Kombat, and while I have no major problem with fighting games, the beginning of the trailer showed off what could be a really compelling story and that is incredibly rare in a fighting game.  Hopefully they will manage to pull it off somehow and also explain how Batman kicked Grundy so far.  And that can’t just say it was because he’s Batman.

Revengence has to wait a year
            The game play trailer for Metal Gear Rising: Revengence was displayed during Konami’s pre-E3 press conference.  The gameplay looks incredibly fast and fluid and the freedom and physics shown in the game’s dynamic cutting ability that allows you to slash through just about anything, is really impressive.  They have also revealed that there will be more weapons at your disposal than just your sword, which is always good for the sake of variety.  Metal Gear has always been known for its stories (partially because of their insanity) and I am really looking forward to getting to know more about Raiden’s history and what sort of crazy plot twists will come up this time.

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2
            Another announcement from Konami was that there would be a sequel to Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, which came out back in 2010.  The trailer was really cool and hopefully we will get to see some gameplay footage from E3 this week.  They also teased a new Castlevania for the 3DS that will be shown during the convention.

ZOE this holiday
            Lastly from Konami is the announcement that Zone of the Enders HD will be available this holiday season worldwide, which is great since just last week I wrote about how only the Japanese date had been released.

Epic Baltimore
            Also last week I wrote about the news of 38 Studios laying off all of its employees including all of those over at Big Huge Games.  This week however there is a silver lining as Epic Games is looking to set up a new studio in Baltimore using a lot of the talent that used to work at Big Huge Games.  I’m glad that some of these guys are finding work so soon, especially with a great company like Epic.  I have no idea what type of game they will be working on or on what scale but I am excited to see what this new studio can bring to the table if everything goes through as planned.  

EverQuest II has something new
            And here I thought that game was dead and buried by now.  Anyways Sony Online Entertainment has unveiled a new way of interacting with players through the use of a webcam.  They call it SOEmote and what happens is they use the webcam to capture your facial movements and have them displayed on your character in EverQuest II.  Basically if you wink or smile so will your avatar, which is a small thing that most people won’t really notice but is cool none the less. To see it for yourself head to the video at the end of this link.

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