
Saturday, 30 April 2011

Recommendation: Video Games Live

            Video Games Live is a concert consisting solely of music from video games.  There is an orchestra and a choir which are fantastic and play music from games like Zelda and Halo live while a massive screen shows videos that they have put together of the games.  Tommy Tallarico who some of you probably know from his time as co-host of The Electric Playground and Judgement Day/Reviews on the Run is the creator of the show which has been around since 2005 and has since become a massive sensation.  Tommy also hosts and helps preform certain songs on his guitar and does a great job.  Video Games Live has around 80 segments in its repertoire but they are only able to perform 18-20 per night.  This means that if you go to see the show multiple times you will experience an almost totally different show each time. 

The music is fantastically performed and brings back lots of great nostalgia.  Hearing songs from Halo, Final Fantasy, Mario and Zelda bring back wonderful memories but it also shows how far the video game industry has come, that I would rather listen to these songs than I would most songs made by famous bands and singers goes a long way to silence all those people who think that video games are just for kids.  There is also a number of interesting parts outside of the performances; there was also a series of video game vs. clips with stuff like Sonic vs. Pacman where Sonic sprints through a Pacman level in seconds and many more funny mash-ups. They even had lists of the worst titles and the worst voice acting/dialogue in video games which were really funny and I promise you haven’t heard them all before, in fact I didn’t even know most of them were games, if you had told me to check out some of those games I would have said you were making them up.  Also there are crowd interaction segments where members of the audience face over in a game to win prizes (I saw two guys compete in a round of Frogger).

The show was fantastic and I can’t wait to see it again.  If you’re a fan of video games (which you should be because that’s what this blog is mostly about) you’re going to love Video Games Live.  You get to relive some great memories, hear beautifully performed music and maybe discover some great pieces that you hadn’t heard before.  Also while the show is very much for gamers (Tommy tells some jokes and talks a bit about the industry and why he made the show) you can totally bring people who don’t know much about video games to show them just how amazing they truly are.   

Monday, 25 April 2011

Weekly Wrap Up

Nintendo confirms new console.
            These past few weeks rumours have been circling the inter-webs about Nintendo unveiling a new console.  Now Nintendo has confirmed that they do indeed have a new console and that it will be playable at this year’s E3 in June.  They say that it will be more powerful than the PS3 which is hard to believe since back when Nintendo was launching the Wii they said that they didn’t want to compete head to head with Microsoft and Sony but rather carve out their own casual market.  If Nintendo is hoping to step back in the ring with Microsoft and Sony than the Wii’s success has definitely given them an overinflated ego.  There’s no way that Nintendo can last in a hardcore market when 90% of the people who own Wii’s are casual gamers who won’t invest in a serious console because the Wii is all they need.  

Gears of War 3 beta news.
            For everyone who pre-ordered Gears of War 3 at participating retailers and got beta access codes today is the day you having been waiting for, you can now test out the Gears 3 multiplayer for yourself.  Those who bought Bulletstorm have had their hands on it for the past week and I’m excited to finally get my hands on it.  The beta will run for the next three weeks, adding new game modes and/or maps each week.  Like I mentioned last week I’ll have an article breaking down the experience when it’s all over. 

Team Ico suffers delays.
            The Last Guardian has been delayed meaning that it will not be released in 2011.  The game is now expected to launch sometime in 2012 which means that Xbox won’t be the only console short on exclusive blockbusters this year.  Also for all of you Team Ico fans sorry but that’s not all the HD double-pack of Ico and Shadow of the Colossus has also been delayed without a new release date announced. 

Portal 2’s hidden level.
            If you have Portal 2 on the PC or Mac (sorry PS3 and 360 owners) there is a hidden level from the upcoming film Super 8 in the extras section of the main menu.  You’re in one of the train carts and there is a newspaper a map and some other stuff for you to check out.  Then the train crashes and you get to explore the wreck in order to try and find some hints as to what exactly is in that train.  I think it’s a really cool way to advertise your movie and personally I’m extremely excited to see Super 8.  If you don’t have Portal 2 on the PC you can watch a play through of the level in the link below, it’s only a couple of minutes long.

G4’s Video Game Deathmatch has a winner!
            As I think most of us could have seen coming the winner of the best video game franchise is The Legend of Zelda.  This isn’t my first pick for best franchise but I do understand how it won, it has had so many games and is one of the longest running franchises in the industry.  So what do you guys think, did the fans of G4 make a good call?  Post in the comment section.

Rating system on games beats movies and music.
            The Federal Trade Commission tested retailers to see if they were properly preventing kids from purchasing non age appropriate material.  The study found that 70% of underage shoppers were able to buy CDs with parental advisory labels.  28% of underage costumers were allowed to see R-rated movies in theaters but 54% could buy them on DVD.  The best enforced however was video games with only 20% of underage shoppers able to purchase M-rated games.  Maybe this will silence some of the complaints people are always making about it being too easy for kids to get their hands on M-rated games.  ESRB FTW!

Batman: Arkham Knight Critique - Joker Story

The most compelling aspect of the story in “Batman: Arkham Knight” for me was Batman’s ongoing hallucinations of The Joker. I had heard...