
Tuesday 4 October 2011

Weekly Wrap Up

Two upcoming PC versions have been dated
            The first is L.A. Noire: The Complete Collection which will include codes to download all of the add-ons that have been released over the past four months and hits store shelves on November 8.  Personally I think it is a little bold to release an updated version of a game that has already sold really well or any game for that matter on the same day as MW3.  I suppose for the most part they target different audiences but still so many people play CoD including those on the PC, it’s actually quite ridiculous.  Personally if you prefer PC gaming, and that is why you have held off on L.A. Noire, I recommend you get this PC version instead of MW3 on the 8th.  The second game is Assassin’s Creed: Revelations, which comes to the 360 and PS3 on Nov 15th, will arrive on PCs on Dec 2nd.  The first Assassin’s Creed took six months to come to PCs and the next two games took four months so it’s pretty impressive that Ubisoft has cut the wait down to half a month but I still don’t know why they don’t just release them all at once.   

Gears DLC
            Gears of War 3’s first DLC is set to add a new section to the campaign.  Now this won’t be some lost chapter that you somehow missed while playing through the game, in fact it won’t involve the members of Delta Squad at all.  This new section will focus on Michael Barrick, a character from one of the Gears of War novels.  I don’t know when it is supposed to take place or what you will be doing but I look forward to hearing more.  Also to those of you who bought the season pass for multiplayer, don`t worry there will be maps coming down the line.

Welcome to the Syndicate
            The first trailer for the new game from Starbreeze Studios and Electronic Arts, Syndicate, has been revealed.  The game takes place in a future where corporations have massive amounts of power and influence, to the point where war is apparently waged between them instead of countries.  The game looks great, sort of like a fast pace more action oriented version of Deus Ex.  It looks like it will offer a lot of interesting combat dynamics and strategies as well.  My only problem with the game is that this is the company that made The Darkness which got some solid reviews but I personally didn’t like it very much, so I’m worried that this too might end up being a letdown.  The game was just shown off but already has a release date, February 21 in NA and 24 in EU.  Check out the trailer below.

It lives!
            I Am Alive is an action game that was announced back at E3 in 2008 and has been somewhat of a mystery ever since.  Well that mystery will finally be revealed this winter when the game comes to the XBLA and PSN.  I have to admit that this came as somewhat of a shock to me, that the game is not only near completion, but will now be a downloadable game as opposed to a full retail.  It still looks awesome and now I suppose they won’t have to throw in any filler to increase the length so I’m quite excited to try this game out.  Plus it will help the game a lot in my eyes this holiday season when all the games are coming out that it will only be a fraction of the price.
Vita max download size and memory
            The PlayStation Vita has been racking up a whole lot of good publicity with regards to its launch line and technical features.  However there seems to be some issues with certain components of the device like the small battery.  Now it has been announced that while on the Vita’s 3G network, which costs an additional $50 plus a contract, the max size of any download will be 20MB.  This means that you won’t be downloading movies or most games unless you are on a Wi-Fi network.  They say that this limit might change after the launch window, I suppose when they get it all figured out, but I assume that the Vita will be offering limited downloadable content until a couple of months in.  Also once you start downloading you might have to buy a new memory card since the Vita only supports its’ new proprietary memory cards, although I have yet to hear what sizes they will come in, I know that you won’t be storing onto your flash drives.

The Rain is over
            David Cage the CEO of Quantic Dream and creator of Heavy Rain says that he has no intention of making a sequel.  It is nice to hear that he has a passion for his work and the industry, which makes him always strive to break new ground, and that he isn’t here just to make money.  Unfortunately I am a little sad that there won’t be a Heavy Rain 2 especially since one of the endings that I got seemed to set up a new story for them to do.  While Heavy Rain was great the gameplay will carry on and be improved in whatever new project he decides on and with the expert writing that he brings to the table as well as the passion, I’m sure he will 1up himself yet again and I for one can’t wait to experience his latest and greatest creation, whatever it may be.

For all the latest updates on the blog be sure to follow me on Twitter @Aeonofdoom360  and be sure to let me know what you think in the comments section below, no sign up or registration needed. 

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