
Monday 24 October 2011

Weekly Wrap Up

Mass Effect 3 demo in Jan
            Bioware`s highly anticipated epic Mass Effect 3 can`t come soon enough in my opinion and so you would think that I would be ecstatic to find out that I can play the game in January, but you would be wrong.   January will mark the release of the game`s demo which doesn’t really interest me at all since the game is more about the story, decisions and characters than gameplay.  What’s the point of going through a level where none of my choices will matter, where I can’t import a save and where, unless it’s the first mission, I’ll just experience spoilers?  In fact even if it’s the first mission there will be spoilers and I don`t want anything to take away from my experience of this game.  The one upside for those who want to try this out is that the game apparently has an improved combat system and it would be interesting to see how much of an improvement we will actually be experiencing.  Then again the demo could not even be targeted to me (so why bother), it could be targeting people who haven’t played Mass Effect before and to all of you out there I want to give you a piece of advice.  Go buy Mass Effect 1 it isn`t very expense probably $20 tops.  Play through it, fall in love, buy the second and wait like the rest of us for Mass Effect 3.
Diablo 3 collector`s edition and trailer
            At Blizzard`s annual convention, Blizzcon, Diablo III`s collector`s edition was unveiled.  It will include a Diablo skull, a 4GB USB flash drive designed like a soulstone from the game, a behind the scenes Blu-ray and DVD to suit your format of choice, an artbook, a soundtrack and finally in game items for Diablo III, WOW and StarCraft 2: WoL.  I`m usually a sucker for collector`s additions but until I know the price it`s hard for me to decide whether or not I want this one.  Hey while we`re still talking about Diablo III you should know that the game has a new trailer and it is pretty amazing to be honest.  Diablo looks like he`s let himself go a bit but hey I guess it will just make him easier to kill.  Or if he`s taking after Snorlax; much, much harder.  Check it out for yourself here.

Soul Calibur 5 Ezio
            Soul Calibur 5 will be coming out on Jan 31 and will feature Ezio from the Assassin`s Creed series as a playable character for both the Xbox 360 and PS3.  I wrote before that I`m not a fan of the Soul Calibur series but I am glad to see that at least with Ezio they won`t be instigating a fanboy fight over which console has the best character like they did with numbers 2 & 4. Hey now that I think about it maybe they only do that with the even numbered games.  See his reveal trailer below.

Uncharted 3 starhawk beta
            Uncharted 3: Drake`s Deception comes out soon, Nov 1 to be exact.  For those of you interested in one of the year`s most anticipated and no doubt acclaimed games you should know that there is a bonus in it for you if you purchase the game.  That bonus will be access to Starhawk`s beta test sometime down the line.  For those of you who don`t know about Starhawk it’s the spiritual successor to one of the PS3`s first successful exclusives; Warhawk.

PlayStation Vita North American release
            The highly anticipated new handheld from Sony had its Japanese release date announced back at TGS and now the North American release date has been revealed.  That date is Feb 22 which means that it will not only be missing the holiday sales but might be hurt by them since people tend to cut back on their spending at the beginning of the year in order to recover from all the cash they just spent.  The Vita will supposedly not suffer from a lack of games around its release (unlike a certain handheld) thanks to the 100 titles that are scheduled for the launch window.  Some of the highlights include Uncharted: Golden Abyss, MGS: HD Collection and Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3.  I’m not a big mobile gamer, occasionally I will play an iPhone game while waiting around or traveling, so I’m not interested in spending $250 to play games similar to the ones I have at home, just on the go.  That being said the system does look promising so I’m curious to know if any of you are interesting in purchasing a Vita.

For all the latest updates on the blog be sure to follow me on Twitter @Aeonofdoom360  and be sure to let me know what you think in the comments section below, no sign up or registration needed.

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