
Thursday, 13 December 2012

Weekly Wrap Up: Dec. 13, 2012

Two release dates set
It was previously known that Crysis 3 would be released sometime during February, but now EA has announced the exact release date for the game as Feb 19 in North America and Feb 22 in Europe. In addition to Crysis getting a release date from EA this past week; Naughty Dog revealed in a new story trailer that The Last of Us will be coming out on May 7th.  I haven’t watched the trailer because I have been sold on this game since E3 and try to avoid as many spoilers for things as I can, which is hard to do when you are online and constantly looking up info on games.  That being said it is probably pretty great so follow the link below if you want to check it out.

And one moved
The upcoming Bioshock Infinite from Irrational Games has been delay again.  Originally the game was supposed to be released in October of 2012, but was then pushed to February 26th, 2013 and now has been moved back one more month to March 26th.  Ken Levine has been saying that the game is great as it stands but they just want to take the extra time to make it even better “It’s a game we could have shipped in February. It just wouldn’t be the game that we think the fans deserve. And that doesn’t mean it was far off from that, but they deserve what they deserve.” However I can’t help but wonder if the 5 departures from the studio have contributed in any significant part to the need to delay this game.  In addition to delaying the game Irrational has also revealed the game’s box art.  It is rather uninspired as it goes with probably the most generic box art that has become clichéd in video games at this point; a man with a gun walking towards you, preferably with something on fire or exploding in the background.  Fans have been pretty upset because it leaves out so much of what is intriguing about the game like the Songbird & Elizabeth and while I think it is pretty lame, it is just the box art, it means next to nothing.  Despite this to try and quell fans Irrational is giving them the option to vote for what they want to be on the opposite side of what will be a reversible cover.  Personally I don’t feel like most of them work as good game covers, but you can vote for them none the less.

Phantom Pain, Dark Souls 2, Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2 trailers
            A new trailer for Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 was released.  It is supposed to have a broader story that spans centuries and evidently from the trailer brings the series into the modern day world.  The trailer looks great and the game is scheduled for release sometime in 2013.  There was also an announcement trailer for Dark Souls 2 that looks really cool, but doesn’t tell much about the game aside from, you know, more Dark Souls.  I’m kind of disappointed in the name because it is really Demon Souls 3, which not only would make it appear to be part of a longer lasting and more successful series by virtue of its 3rd installment, but Demon trumps Dark and if Dark Souls couldn’t be Demon Souls 2 then Dark Souls 2 should be something else starting with a D followed by the word Souls.  Like say Damned Souls or Doomed Souls or to stick with downgrading the menace of the title: Depressed Souls.  Then there was the incredible trailer for Phantom Pain, which everyone is claiming to “know” is Metal Gear Solid 5.  I see why they think that but with Metal Gear Rising: Revengence still on the way and Ground Zeroes coming to next gen systems I don’t see why they would be making another huge Metal Gear game.  Also if it was MGS5 it wouldn’t be handed off to another studio.  Platinum Games is making Revengence because it is a spinoff, which MGS5 would not be.  Anyways be sure to check out these trailers.

Epic Games president retires
            Mike Capps, President of Epic Games, has decided to retire from his position.  The change was motivated by the fact that he has a baby boy on the way and he has decided to take up the position of stay-at-home dad, to which I say congratulations and I tip my hat to you sir for putting your family first.  Capps will remain a member of the board of directors and will assist the company through an advisory role.  Capps feels that his executive team consisting of recent re-hire (he worked at Epic previously and founded Epic Games China then left in 2010 to be President of LucasArts only to leave that position back in August) VP of Development Paul Meegan and VP of Operations John Farnsworth can do just as good of a job managing development as he did, if not better.  Mike Capps is not the only high profile member of Epic to step away from the company this year as Design Director and face of the company Clifford Bleszinski retired back in October, Director of Production on the Gears of War franchise Rod Fergusson also left the company and is now working at Irrational Games (another studio that has been plagued with recent departures) and shortly after Epic Games fully acquired People Can Fly the Creative Director and Co-Owner of People Can Fly, Adrian Chmielarz, left the company along with two senior artists; Andrezj Poznanski and Michal KosieradzkiEpic Games is currently in development of PC exclusive Fortnite scheduled for release next year, while its subsidiary People Can Fly are working on Gears of War: Judgment coming out on March 19th 2013.  Here is hoping that the change ups at the company don’t have any sort of negative affect on these projects.
RE6 DLC modes
            Resident Evil 6 is getting its first wave of DLC in the form of 3 new multiplayer modes.  The first mode is called Predator in which one player takes the role of the near unstoppable B.O.W., Ustanak, from the game’s campaign and tries to defeat the group of survivors ranging from 1-5 players.  The players must balance fighting back against Ustanak with the potential to kill him and running for their lives trying to make it until the timer runs out.  Mode number two is Survivors, which is Resident Evil 6’s take on Deathmatch and is similar to the Versus mode DLC in RE5.  You must kill the opposing team (the gametype supports up to six players but I don’t know if that translates to 3 teams of 2 or 2 teams of 3) while surviving the horde of zombies populating the map.  There is also a newly added feature where once you are killed you turn into an infected and if you manage to kill one of your opponents you get to come back as a human again.  The third mode is Onslaught and only supports two players in a very unique version of a 1on1 match.  You and your opponent will be on different maps and have no one of getting into direct contact with one another and you will both be holding out against zombies while trying to achieve chain bonuses and maximize your score, just like in Mercenaries.  So what makes this different from the Mercenaries leaderboards?  Killing zombies and achieving a large combo will send zombies to the other player’s game as you attempt to flood them with enemies and ultimately over whelm them.  All of these modes sound interesting with Onslaught possibly being the biggest appeal for me since I love Mercenaries so much.  They will all be released on December 18th separately for $4 (320MSP) a pop as well as in a bundle for $9 (720MSP).  Also one day earlier on December 17th Capcom is releasing a free update that allows players to set the camera further back (something I didn’t see as an issue that needed fixing), listen to the game with English language audio alongside another language subtitles, automatically unlocks the game’s 4th campaign so you don’t have to play through the other 3 to get to it not to mention adds a co-op partner as an option for it even though it makes no sense from a narrative standpoint (it is basically the equivalent of having multiple Master Chiefs in Halo’s co-op) and lastly introduces a new, even harder, difficulty level called No Hope.

Monday, 3 December 2012

Nintendo Wii U Run Down

            Nintendo’s latest console the Wii U was released back on November 18th in North America and in Europe on the 30th.  Japan will be receiving the system on December 8th, so I’m not totally late with this article.  I find that many people are apprehensive or confused about what the Wii U is and why they should consider buying it, so before going into the list of launch titles available for purchase I will give a general explanation of the system.

            The Wii U is Nintendo’s latest home console marking the 8th generation of console’s first foray into the home and in the process making me wish I had chosen a name for this blog that wouldn’t eventually go out of relevance.  It comes in two models: the Basic model retailing at $299 comes with a white version of the console, 1 Gamepad and an 8GB hard drive (while that is really small it has expandable memory meaning you can get it a much larger hard drive for relatively cheap) and the Deluxe model for $349 that comes in black with everything in the Basic plus Nintendo Land, a 32GB hard drive, a Gamepad stand and a charging station.  

In terms of power the console is a little tricky to describe.  From what I’ve heard there are developers that have built for it saying everything from it being slightly less powerful than the 360, to being better than the 360 and PS3 in some respects while worse in others, to it being significantly better.  Basically the way I see it is that the games available for it are still going to look like they would run on a 360 or PS3.
The other thing that has to be brought up when talking about the Wii U is its new controller that has actually been the focal point of Nintendo’s messaging about the system to the point of some confusion from potential customers.  The Gamepad as they have called it was actually so focused on that a friend of mine about a month or two ago, until I set him straight, thought that the Wii U was a portable system.  This was coming from a guy who buys games every other week and just picked up a 3DS this past summer.  The simplest way I can think of to describe the Wii U is that of a DS crossed with a home console. You have this large controller in your hand with a screen in the centre of it that provides additional info like say your inventory or map that doesn’t support multi-touch and you interact with by using a stylus. In addition to giving you the same sort of opportunities that it did on the DS the Gamepad also has a motion sensor and in certain games can be held up to the TV to offer a different viewing mode although currently the two examples of this that I know of in games is useless. In ZombiU you can do this to make the screen on your Gamepad the scoped vision from a rifle but that is extra work for what you could just do on your screen. Same with in Arkham City where it would just give you a highlighted Detective Mode, which is useless when you could just turn the whole screen that way at the press of a button.  Finally with what might be Nintendo’s most highlighted feature for the Gamepad is the ability to transfer the system’s display to the controller so someone else can watch TV and you can either play in your lap beside them or in another room.
Now that covers the basics of the system, but there are still some pieces of info that are worth noting when considering this system.  First off the previously mentioned, highly touted, ability to play your game without the TV is limited. The system was never meant or implied to be totally portable so you obviously can’t leave the house, but it turns out that depending on the thickness and density of your walls and size of your house you may not even be able to play from certain rooms. This means if you have concrete walls and the Wii U is in your living room you may not be able to take the Gamepad to your room and continue playing while someone takes over the TV.
Next up is the console’s issue with voice-chat. The Gamepad’s built in microphone does not work for voice-chat and Nintendo does not produce their own official headsets, so if you want to chat with friends you will need to pick up a 3rd party manufactured one. Now this isn’t a very significant issue, however, the Pro Controller, which Nintendo made for the more ‘hardcore’ Wii U games, does not have a headset jack, meaning that if you want to play something like Black Ops 2 with a more standard type of controller and want to talk to other players you will apparently have to have your Gamepad running as well and plug your mic into that. On top of that Nintendo is not pushing in game voice-chat as a big thing, in other words it isn’t standard for their games and is up to the discretion of 3rd party developers as to whether or not they choice to input the feature. While I haven’t heard anyone address the matter I assume that means there will not be cross-game chat do to the fact that many games simply don’t support chat options and Nintendo’s apathetic attitude towards it.
Thirdly Nintendo’s TVii, which allows users to watch and interact with their TV services through the Wii U, is not currently available. It is supposed to be released in Japan on December 8th and in North America sometime this month, which is far faster than it is being rolled out in Europe as they are only to be getting the service in select regions “throughout 2013”.
Lastly in what may or may not be a significant issue for you the Wii U does not have any form of achievements or trophies. Some people don’t really care about them but I find it nice to have something to mark my progress and give a little extra motivation to experiment in the game. Though I definitely don’t see it as a deal breaker it is worth pointing out.
Now that I’ve addressed everything about the Wii U that I can think of here is a list of all of its launch titles throughout North America, Europe and Japan.
Launch Titles
North America
Assassin’s Creed 3

Batman: Arkham City Armored Edition
Ben 10: Omniverse


Call of Duty: Black Ops 2

Darksiders 2

Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two

ESPN Sports Connection

Family Party: 30 Great Games: Obstacle Arcade


FIFA  Soccer 13

Game Party Champions

Just Dance 4

Mass Effect 3
Monster Hunter 3: Ultimate

New Super Mario Bros. U
Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge

Nintendo Land
Rabbids Land

Scribblenauts: Unlimited

Sing Party

Skylanders: Giants

Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed

Tank! Tank! Tank!

Tekken Tag Tournament 2: Wii U Edition
Transformers Prime

Your Shape: Fitness Evolved 2013

Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper

Wipeout: The Game 3


Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Weekly Wrap Up: Nov. 27

Aliens survival mode
            Gearbox Software has released a trailer showcasing a new gametype for its upcoming Aliens: Colonial Marines.  The mode is called Survivor and is their take on the popular and incredibly fun Horde archetype that many games have implemented in recent years.  In Survivor 4 people playing as Marines must work together building fortifications, purchasing weapons and opening rooms in order to try and fend off waves of computer controlled Xenomorphs as they try and kill you all. I’m not sure but a lot of sites seem to be saying that you will die in this gametype, which to me means that it will be like Firefight in Halo 3: ODST where the waves never end making it all about high score not actually finishing it as seen in Gears of War.  Check out the trailer below.

Guess infinite has its limitations
            Irrational Games’s Creative Director and Co-Creator Ken Levine told fans via Twitter that the upcoming Bioshock Infinite will not include multiplayer.  There had been mention previously about the possibility of multiplayer and experimenting with ideas, but evidently it didn’t amount to anything.  Whether this is because they felt that they had no need or nothing significant to offer in regards to multiplayer or if the number of departures from their studio prevented them from be able to complete a multiplayer component is unknown.  The original Bioshock did not offer multiplayer, but Bioshock 2 did although it was designed outside of the studio by Digital Extremes.  Bioshock Infinite comes out on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC on February 26th.  

Mass Effect 3 Omega DLC
            Today Bioware is releasing Omega, the latest single player add-on for Mass Effect 3. The story revolves around Shepard joining forces with Aria T'loak to reclaim Omega from Cerberus control. Despite the fact that the Wii U just launched with Mass Effect 3 and all of its DLC to date it will not be receiving this add-on tomorrow, possibly ever. Omega will cost 1200MSP or $15US and will be available for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.

Dragon’s Dogma DLC
            Capcom is releasing a free update for Dragon’s Dogma on December 4th.  The update will include a “Hard Mode” and a “Speed Run” mode as well as 4 new outfits (2 unlocked by the completion of each new mode). Quite frankly the fact that it took 6 months for the addition of Hard Mode and a time trial mode is pretty surprising, I mean why wasn’t this stuff there initially? That being said I am glad that this is a free update although it doesn’t do much for those who don’t have their consoles connected to online.

MGR preorder bonus
            If you pre-order the upcoming Platinum Games title Metal Gear Rising: Revengence from GameStop you will receive a special bonus sure to excite long-time fans of the Metal Gear series. What is this special bonus? An alternate costume for Raiden that makes him look like Cyborg Ninja from Metal Gear Solid 1&2. This bonus will only be available to those in North America, but Europe is said to receiving its own bonus content to make up for it.

I don't do blog updates in my Twitter account any more, but you can still follow me there: @Aeonofdoom360. Also feel free to post comments. 

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