
Monday 29 August 2011

Weekly Wrap Up

Skyrim DLC on Xbox 360 first
            The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is the most anticipated game of the year for many gamers out there.  Now Bethesda has announced that the first two downloadable expansions for the game will release on the Xbox 360 30 days before they come out for the PS3 and PC.  This is great for Xbox since it could cause many players who intended to buy the game on other platforms to get it on the 360 so they don’t have to wait an extra month to get their hands on more Skyrim.  Personally while I am excited for Skyrim it doesn’t make much of a difference for me because I already intended to buy it on the 360 and I don’t buy a lot of DLC for games.

Gears of War 3 maps and DLC
            Gears 3 will feature the return of the classic map Gridlock which has been changed up once again just like in Gears 2 in order to keep it fresh.  I don’t know about all the tweaks but I do know that it will take place at night for the first time.  Some of the maps from the beta have also been tweaked.  Trenches is supposed to have a new area to change up the pace of combat and Thrashball features changes that prevent spawn camping.  For those of you who didn’t play the beta, in Thrashball all you had to do was run straight down the middle and you would be in a small room where people usually spawned and you could just pick them off with a shotgun.  In other Gears of War news there will be a “season pass” offered online when the game is released that grants you access to the first 4 DLC packs for 2400MSP.  I’m not sure how big of a deal that is but for those of you that fully intend to buy all of this game’s DLC it is an interesting bargain that you should check out.  Like I said above I don’t tend to buy a lot of DLC and if I bought this I would feel like I have to go back and play this game every time a new map pack comes out to get my money’s worth and while I love Gears I would rather wait to see what else is out at the time and if I really need to get the DLC.   

Forza 4 is getting a Warthog
            The new Warthog for Halo 4 will be featured in Forza 4 but don’t get to excited because you won’t get to drive it around the tracks.  Instead the vehicle will be featured in the game’s Autovista mode which allows players to examine every detail of the meticulously designed cars featured in the game.  While examining the Warthog the voice of Cortana will give you details that could be clues about the upcoming Halo 4.  I think this is a cool sort of easter-egg for fans but honestly I’m a little surprised that there is a Warthog in Halo 4 at all.  I assumed that the “Reclaimer Trilogy” which Halo 4 will begin would be leaving behind just about everything we knew from the Halo games aside from Master Chief, Cortana and maybe a few weapons.  After all Chief is in a totally new and inaccessible place, so the only things that he should have from previous games should be whatever is on the ship.     

Halo Anniversary news
            Halo Anniversary will feature 1 Firefight level and in it you will now be able to have AI controlled Marines help you if you don’t have anyone to play with.  I assume that this will be a feature that you can turn off if you don’t want it but it seems like a nice addition that could help out in times where you’re totally out numbered.  Also there will be Terminals added to the single player campaign that feature fully animated clips explaining what has happened as opposed to just walls of text.  Lastly the game will now support 3D for anyone who actually wants to play in 3D.  Personally I don’t care about 3D and this past weekend I was at FanExpo 2011 in Toronto where I got to see Killzone 3 in 3D and play StarFox 64 3D and now I feel even more confident in saying that I don’t want this technology or see the need for it.

Halo Reach getting a game changing update
            There is a new update coming for Halo: Reach this fall and it is looking to change the game in a way that I have been waiting for since I first played the beta.  What will this update do that will make me so happy?  Well if you’ve ever played much of Reach’s multiplayer you have no doubt cursed how cheap people can be with Armour-Lock but now, thanks to this magnificent update that shouldn’t be a problem anymore.  That’s right Armour-Lock is invincible no more!  This new update will change the ability so it absorbs damage based on the remaining shields that you have left when you enter it.  Meaning that you can probably protect yourself from an incoming blast from a Tank or Rocket Launcher but you can’t be incredibly cheap in close-quarters combat.  Also Plasma Grenades will no longer bounce off which should make them a great way for breaking through their now penetrable defence.  Now if you love using Armour-Lock and you hate this, well you should be grateful that you got to abuse this borderline broken ability for so long and quit complaining.  Did I mention that the update will have other changes too?  Active Camo will have its duration reduced, beat-blocking Energy Swords will finally be gone (because really did it ever make any sense to you), reticle bloom can now be turned on and off, if you have a 4GB console without a Hard drive you can now access Campaign and Firefight matchmaking (a problem I was never aware of) and last but not least the original Halo’s Magnum will be available in “special, classic playlists”.  I just want to point out that I don’t really see why you would turn off reticle bloom; I suppose it makes it easier to see the target if your reticle isn’t changing and distracting you but it prevents you from seeing how accurate your shots are which would frustrate me to no end.  Think about it the reticle would always indicate that you should be hitting but you would keep missing because the gun loses accuracy the more you fire in succession.             

Zelda Skyward Sword bundle
            Skyward Sword launches on November 20 and for all of you out there that plan on getting it Nintendo has put together a pretty good bundle for you, especially if you don’t own any sort of Wii Motion Plus controller.  The bundle will include a copy of the game along with a golden Skyward Sword edition Wii Remote Plus (a Wii controller with Wii Motion Plus built in instead of in a small box that you attach to the bottom of your controller) and a CD featuring some music from the 25th anniversary Zelda concert that Nintendo mentioned back at E3.  All of that will come bundled on launch day for only $69.99 which to me sounds like a pretty good deal.  

Dues Ex was released
            Dues Ex: Human Revolution came out on Tuesday and looks pretty incredible.  I’ve yet to play it but I can’t wait to get my hands on it and finally be rid of the summer drought that has been plaguing us  these past months like it does every year.  If you guys have played it be sure to let me know what you think of it in the comment section below.

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