
Tuesday 15 May 2012

Weekly Wrap Up: May 15

Bioshock Infinite delayed
            What was one of this year’s most anticipated games, Bioshock Infinite, has now been pushed back to next year.  The game was supposed to come out n October 16th, but will now come out on February 26th.  It is really disappointing to find out that I’ll have to wait even, longer to get my hands on this game, since it has been looking so incredible for so long.  Another disappointing announcement regarding the game is that it will not be shown off at E3 next month or at Gamescon in August.

Tomb Raider also delayed
            Another game that I am personally very excited to see has been pushed to 2013.  Tomb Raider is now scheduled to come out in the first quarter of next year, but unlike Infinite it will be shown off at E3.  If the delay means that the finished game will play as well as it looks than I am all for it, also since the fall is such a crowed time for games it is probably best to reboot the series when more people can devote their attention to it, so that the franchise doesn’t fall by the wayside.

Dishonorable Fall
            The steampunk inspired game that has garnered a lot of attention as of late from Bethesda’s Arkane Studios will be coming out on Oct 9th.  A lot of people got super excited for this game after its trailer was released, but I haven’t been completely sold yet.  Hopefully at E3 there will be some gameplay footage to show how the stealth and action elements are balanced.

AC3 gameplay trailer
            Assassin’s Creed 3 has released a pretty impressive gameplay trailer after teasing it earlier in the week.  The developers said that they wanted more speed and fluidity from the assassinations in this title and the end of the trailer shows that off really well, where he stabs a guy, lifts him, takes a few steps, drops him and keeps running so that he never stops and can assassinate someone else.  The ability to duck into certain houses through the window is really cool and so is the ability to use an enemy as a meat-shield because it finally gives the grab action a purpose.  I’m also curious as to what you’re supposed to be accomplishing by running into a battlefield with hundreds of armed soldiers, can’t see that ending well.  My only complaint is that there still isn’t any footage or images available about Desmond.  Hopefully it is because they are saving that reveal for E3.

Who will Avenge this?
            The Avengers has been dominating the box office, which fills my heart with joy because Joss Whedon is great and totally deserves it.  Due to its massive success there should be no surprise that some sort of game will seek to cash in on it.  That game is Marvel Avengers: Battle for Earth for the Wii U & Kinect, which fills my heart with sadness.  It will not be based on the movie, but rather on the Secret Invasion comic storyline.  I understand that making a real game with a whole bunch of unique characters that all play differently would be really difficult, but couldn’t there be a more focused and refined version of Ultimate Alliance rather than some sort of motion control game?

BF3 rent-a-server
            Battlefield 3 has apparently been lowering its number of dedicated multiplayer servers since releasing a patch that allows players to rent servers for $30 a month.  I don’t play Battlefield, but this sounds terrible to me.  So from what I gather, now in the majority of matches someone will have host advantage because it is their server and they will also be able to customize the rules and settings for the game, giving them an even greater advantage, all for $30 a month.  They are basically buying an advantage for a large sum of money, considering that it’s half of the original price of the game per month.  So apparently players get screwed unless they want to give EA more money because they are renting the majority of their servers making it harder for people to find a normal, fair game.  EA has said that this is popular on the PC versions of Battlefield but I don’t see why, at least not when the rent-a-servers are the majority as opposed to the minority that you go to for something different.  If anyone likes having rented as opposed to dedicated servers please post a comment and tell me why, I’d really like to see the other side of this.

For all the latest updates on the blog be sure to follow me on Twitter @Aeonofdoom360  and be sure to let me know what you think in the comments section below, no sign up or registration needed. 

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