
Monday 30 May 2011

Weekly Wrap Up

Gears of War 3 has an epic new trailer
            Epic has unveiled their new trailer for the highly anticipated and in my mind the front runner for Game of the Year; Gears of War 3.  In the trailer Marcus Fenix the hero of the Gears series in case you’re unfamiliar, receives a message from his father who is believed to be dead.  After receiving the message Marcus sets out to find him not just because it’s his father but also because Adam Fenix knows more about the Locust than anyone and if humanity is going to win this war they will need his expertise.  This trailer was a pretty big deal for Epic; they even released a teaser last week to build up excitement for this trailer.  What makes this trailer so special, well for one it is awesome, there is so much stuff going on and the Lambents are going crazy plus they unveiled their new theme song for the game called War Pigs by Black Sabbath.  Check out the video in the link below and feel free to comment on whether or not at about 22 seconds in when Marcus is starting to get up from what I’m guessing was a crash or explosion it reminds you of the Halo 3 trailer when Master Chief did the same because when I saw that it immediately jumped to mind despite the fact that they are kind of different.

The Second Annual CVGA was held on the 18th
            I’m a little behind on this story but I hadn’t been paying very close attention to The Canadian Video Game Awards because among other things it isn’t that big of an event.  What are those other things?  Well for one it’s May, I mean really you schedule your game of the year awards in May, isn’t it a little late I mean everyone has moved on to talking about this year’s games.  I think February would have to be the absolute latest you can have an award show; even though you could talk about your favourite games of the year in reflection at any time, but man don’t hold an award show so late that nobody cares anymore.  Also it’s only for Canadian games, now I’m a Canadian so it’s not that I have anything against Canada but America and Japan are the two biggest countries in terms of game production and they don’t hold specific awards for theirs so why should Canada?  Do we have that low a level of self-esteem that we need this to make ourselves feel better?  Now that I’ve posed that question I think it is time to get to the winners.  I won’t list every category and every winner I’m just going to comment on a couple of things.  First of all congrats to Mass Effect 2 for winning Best Writing, Best Game Design, Best Console Game and Game of the Year.  Secondly if you look at the list on the website there are categories with such screwed up competition because when you narrow it down to just one country’s games and that country isn’t America or Japan the pickings are slim.  Here is an example for Best Game Design; the nominees are Mass Effect 2, Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood, Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell: Conviction, DeathSpank and Trainyard.  Now take a look at that you’ve got three big budget games with a lot of man power and resources behind them going up against an XBLA game and an iPhone game made by 1 guy!  Are you kidding me! That is a joke in Trainyard you connect paths for your train to go through.  That is nothing compared to Mass Effect, a single character or guy just staying still has a more impressive design than that entire game and that is supposed to be a competition?  Come on Scrabble for the iPad was up for best tech against Kinect, what the heck is that?  How is Scrabble impressive tech?  So sorry I’m behind on this story but man it really isn’t much of one as you can see.  If you want to see the full list of nominees and winners go here.

The Witcher 2 came out
            The Witcher is a Polish game series that started back in 2007.  I personally don’t recall every hearing about or seeing this game prior to its sequel’s release.  The game is only available for the PC and while critics are raving about this game I have no plans to get it for the PC because my computer is old and this game supposedly requires a very powerful computer to run it while the most visually impressive game my PC has ever run was Half-Life 2 which came out back in 2004.  However people have been saying that if you play the game with a 360 controller the game has all the buttons already perfectly mapped out for it.  This has caused some speculation that an Xbox 360 version might be in the works if the game is a success.  If the game does come to the 360 I will check it out but until then the next game I really want to play is still L.A. Noire.

Gotham City Imposters announced
            This is a new Batman game that is also an FPS.  Now I know you guys are probably thinking; that’s the most stupid idea that I have heard regarding a superhero game ever and that’s saying something.  Well simmer down Batman isn’t the one using guns, in fact he isn’t even in the game.  In Gotham City Imposters you play as a wannabe Joker or Batman who you can customize to look as goofy or badass as you want.  The game has a cartoony feel and look to it similar to that of Team Fortress 2.  Except this game is more focused on the fighting and while it has classes there won’t be any Medics or Spy types with special abilities that allow them to play completely differently.  However there are supposed to be a ton of different gadgets and weapons in order to add a lot of variety and make the combat more dynamic.  I’m not sure if this game will be a full price retail game because I don’t think games that are just multiplayer like this one should be full price when stuff like Halo and Gears have superior multiplayer along with full campaigns and other modes like Horde, Beast Mode, Forge, Theater and Firefight.

StarCraft 2: Heart of the Swarm trailer was leaked
            The first trailer for the second part of Blizzard’s incredibly successful hit StarCraft 2 was leaked on to the inter-webs.  Judging by how close we are to E3 I figure they were intending to show it off there but I don’t know if that is all that they had planned or if they will be divulging some more information at the expo.  I know that there is a lot of hype around this game and people loved the first two games unfortunately like I mentioned earlier I don’t know if my computer can play something like StarCraft 2 plus to be honest I’m not a fan of RTS games.  The Blizzard game that I really want to play is Diablo 3 and hopefully they will announce that release date at E3 but it may end up happening at BlizzCon in October if the game isn’t coming this year.  If you want to see the trailer you can go here.

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