
Monday 20 February 2012

Weekly Wrap Up: Feb. 20

Far Cry 3 at GameStop
            FarCry 3 has a trailer and I have to say it is pretty cool even if I don’t understand how some random guy on vacation can become I total badass and start taking down an army of bad guys.  However I don’t really want to discuss the trailer, it is linked below if you are interested.  What I want to briefly talk about is the fact that they are offering 4 free missions if you pre-order the game from GameStop.  I hate pre-order bonuses and I think it is bogus to hold that much content back from paying customers who choose to buy from other stores.  I may eventually write a piece about how much I hate pre-order bonuses and how I think it is a terrible and ridiculous business practice so I won’t get into that whole issue now.  I just want to say that I will not be buying this game from GameStop at launch or ever for that matter on sheer principle.  Those missions may end up as downloadable content and if they want me to pay for what everyone should have gotten with the game than I need the price to drop so that I don’t feel like I got ripped off.     

Gears of War 3’s Season Pass Finale
            The final DLC pack for Gears of War 3 has been revealed.  It is another Map Pack and will contain 5 maps, a  bunch of weapon and character skins and some new weapons.  Out of the 5 maps 3 are entirely new and they are called: Aftermath, Artillery and Cove.  The other 2 are new versions of Raven Down and Jacinto, which are maps from previous Gears games.  The new weapons are 4 different types of elemental cleavers, which sounds pretty cool.  The pack is called Forces of Nature and will be released on March 27.

Assassin’s Creed 3
            To no surprise Assassin’s Creed 3 has been announced and also as a major non-shocker it will be coming out this year.  I really wanted a break from this series, but I knew that there was no way that would happen since the game’s story deals with everyone’s favourite end of the world time setting of 2012.  Seriously how could you possibly pass up releasing this game in 2012 from a marketing standpoint?  So we will finally end Desmond’s storyline on October 30 and I sincerely hope that with the massive change to the game’s setting that it will look and feel different from the rest of the series. I would hate for the finale of Assassin’s Creed to feel repetitive and stale.

Resistance: Burning Skies release date
            The first Resistance game on the Vita will also be the first one following Insomniac’s departure from the series.  It will be released on May 29 and will hopefully not be another failure for Nihilistic Software.

Diablo 3 news
            Diablo 3 will not support voice chat.  Why?  I don’t know but hey that is what Blizzard thinks is best and they are ridiculously successful so I guess I’ll just trust them on it.  Also the game will have 4-player co-op throughout the campaign, which some people have actually been complaining about.  The reason why, is that there are 5 classes so they feel that there should be 5-player co-op.  It is a valid argument, but maybe they want you to strategize by not having every class in your party at once.  Then again maybe it was just easier to have 4 instead of 5.  Quite frankly I can’t think of many non Massively Multiplayer games that support more than 4-player co-op, so perhaps there is a challenge with it.

Resident Evil 6 details
            So a whole lot of details about one of my most anticipated games of the year RE6 have been released.  First off as we saw in the trailer players will hop between 3 characters: Leon S. Kennedy, Chris Redfield and a currently unnamed mercenary.  Since they have been mentioned as the playable characters and no one else, along with the darker more horror based atmosphere I saw in parts of the trailer, I am currently assuming that this will not be a co-op game but that is yet to be confirmed.  A major change that I am a little upset about is the fact that players can now move and shoot at the same time.  I know a lot of people complained about that before but I love the tension that it brought to the experience, so hopefully ammo will be scarce and moving while shooting will make you inaccurate.  Players will also be able to slide, roll, take cover and perform “enhanced” melee attacks.  Resident Evil 6 will mark the franchise’s return to true zombies, but they will be more dangerous than the ones found in the earlier instalments as they will be able to run, jump and use weapons (although probably not guns this time).  There is also a new type of enemy called J’avo which appears to be an upgraded version of the enemies from RE4 & 5 since they can understand speech and mutate based on which body parts you target.    

For all the latest updates on the blog be sure to follow me on Twitter @Aeonofdoom360  and be sure to let me know what you think in the comments section below, no sign up or registration needed. 

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